Caledonian Revolution 2016- White Scars Army Lists

Today I will be attending Caledonian Revolution down at the NWGC in Stockport. I will be taking my White Scars army (my go to tournament army) and have made two lists for which to use at the event. The first list is for the games on the Friday night. This is a 1000...

Remembering the Rumble!

Olá Leitor! Você pode conferir a versão em português deste artigo clicando aqui.   Até logo!   +++   Hello Reader.   Preparations for the second Rumble in the Jungle event “Rumble in the Jungle II – The Mission” are well underway...

Relembrando o Rumble!

    Hello Reader.   You can check the English version of this article clicking the link here.   Over and out.   +++   Salve Leitor!   Os preparativos para o “Rumble in the Jungle II – A Missão” continuam a todo...

X-Wing Regional Championship Łódź

Welcome!Below a couple minute video from a local X-Wing tournament I had a pleasure to visit this weekend. Lots of guys, lots of games, lots of fun. Enjoy!Click here for video with English subtitles.Witajcie!Poniżej krótka relacja z turnieju X-Winga jaki odbył...