Double Trouble- Ork Army Review

As is customary at the end of any tournament, I like to take a look at how my army performed and look at what worked well in the army and what could be improved. As a reminder, my army for Double Trouble consisted of:Warboss- Eavy Armour, Power Claw, Shoota, Bosspole,...

Double Trouble- Ork Army Review

As is customary at the end of any tournament, I like to take a look at how my army performed and look at what worked well in the army and what could be improved. As a reminder, my army for Double Trouble consisted of:Warboss- Eavy Armour, Power Claw, Shoota, Bosspole,...

Double Trouble- Ork Army Review

As is customary at the end of any tournament, I like to take a look at how my army performed and look at what worked well in the army and what could be improved. As a reminder, my army for Double Trouble consisted of:Warboss- Eavy Armour, Power Claw, Shoota, Bosspole,...