Double Trouble Bound!

I've got my sunglasses on, got the power ballads blasting and the Orks are kicking up a storm in the backseat. That's right, I'm heading off for Double Trouble down in Stockport!Are we there yet?????? I will be spending the night at the North West Gaming Centre...

Battle Report 59- 1850 pts White Scars vs White Scars

This week's battle report features my White Scars taking on Allan's White Scars in another practice of my list for the upcoming Caledonian Revolution tournament.  Last week, I played Innes and his compact, deathstar-containing army and my White Scars list fared...

Double Trouble Army

This weekend I will be travelling down to Stockport for Double Trouble (run by Alex at From the Fang). I had previously written a post proposing some armies that I was planning on taking down to the tournament and looking for comments from readers about them. By an...