Caledonian Revolution Tournament- Initial List Thoughts

I have signed up for the Caledonian Revolution tournament, taking place down in Stockport in July this year. This is a 5-game, 40k tournament using ETC missions, scoring and rulings.  I have decided that I will be taking my White Scars to the tournament. They are...

Stronghold V- Armies on Display

Here are some of the photos that I took of the different armies while at Stronghold V. There was a painting competition for the armies at the tournament, but very few people actually put out their armies for display and there were no entry numbers for each army, so I...

Stronghold V Tournament- Army Review

As usual with any tournament I attend, I like to do a review of my army to see how well it performed and what could be changed.  As a reminder, my army consisted of:COMBINED ARMS DETACHMENTLibrarian- Level 2 psyker, Bike, Hunter's Eye, Mantle of the Stormseer,...