Double Trouble Army Lists- Decisions, Decisions, Decisions……

So, Double Trouble is coming up on the 11th June and I still haven't decided what I am going to take. I fired up BattleScribe and started crunching the numbers for all my armies to see what would be worth taking. After putting together lists for my 4 armies, I am...

Habemus Rumble!

        Este é um artigo bilíngue. a versão em português está mais abaixo no texto. +++ Hello Reader.   Today’s article is just to finally, and properly, announce we are having another “Rumble in the Jungle” this year.  ...

Battle Report 51- 1250 pts White Scars vs White Scars/Dark Angels

This week's battle report features two tournament lists in a practice game for the upcoming Stronghold V. Innes and I decided to give our respective lists an airing to see how they performed. I would be taking my White Scars (you can find the restrictions of the...