Coventry Carnage – a Darklands Events

Hey guys it has been a while since I posted on here with Christmas, buying a house and general sort out of my seemingly endless piles of horded rubbish into boxes for the house move that is fast approaching. In between all this after going to the Darklands part of the...

Hero for a Day! A Warhammer 40K Marathon

Roll up, roll up, crazy Warhammer 40,000 players of all ages, to (possibly) the greatest show on Earth!Welcome once more, wargamers and hobbyists to Creative Twilight, where today I have decided to forego my usual philosophising on this hobby of ours, and instead...

Doubles Tournament- Armies on Display

Before the doubles tournament started, I managed to get quite a few photos of the store and some of the display cases. Here are those photos. First up, some of the display of the old game boxes at 6s2Hit. Next up, a really nice Bolt Action board.  This table...

Doubles Tournament- White Scars Army Review

As is customary for any of the tournaments that I have attended, I will now review my army for the doubles tournament, how it performed on the tabletop and how it could be improved. For some context for the review, you can find the battle reports for Game 1, Game 2...