Road to NOVA: I4 Invasion (Aftermath) NOW W/ PICS!!!

I started off on a high note and then came crashing down. I started the event 2-0 (13 points) but I ended up 2-2 (17pts).  I should have been 3-1 but my last round opponent was patient where I was not. More on that later.The event was run great and a lot of fun....

Caley Carnage

Had an absolutely cracking time this weekend at the Caley Carnage doubles event which took place at the incomparable Common Ground Games in Stirling. Rich and I teamed up with his Empire and my Dwarfs and couldn't have asked for a better weekend. The pack was fun and...

‘Twas the Night Before Caley Carnage…

'Twas the night before Caley Carnage, when all through the holdNot a creature was stirring, not even a Skaven;The ratmen were hung on the ramparts with care,In hopes that Gotrek soon would be there;The dwarfs were nestled all snug in their beds,While visions of ale...