X-Wing Store Championship Results!

The results (and lists) from the GG Town Hall Store Championship hosted by our very own TommyH can be found through the link below:http://lists.starwarsclubhouse.com/get_tourney_details?tourney_id=170 Check them out - there's some good diversity and some very...

Red Squadron at our Store Championship

Saturday's X-Wing Store Championship was an absolute blast! We maxed out at 40 players (we can only fit that many at the moment) to make it a full on competitive event..... too bad I did so rubbish!So, typically I like to run lists that aren't exactly "meta"... except...

Huzzah RTT 1/31 Recap

The monthly tournament at my local FLGS was this past weekend, and it was hopping! Usually there's around 12 players. This time, 31 people showed up. Must be tournament season! I know I'm trying to make sure I get in a whole bunch of games before Adepticon.My first...