Models for Sale/Trade

Well, back from the holidays! I did get in another game earlier this month with the Loganwing list and it performed spectacularly well. I faced a 1500 point Grey Knight list which comprised of Coteaz and 30 Terminators (psybolt ammo, hammer, and 2 psycannons each...

Sanguinary Guard Sale

While this is a bit of blatant advertising here, I just wanted to bring up that my eBay auctions:Auction: Guard (see more pics last post):Wolf Run Priest:Auction:Auction Over, didnt sell,...

Army on Parade Deathwing

Well, Ive finished up the first half of my deathwing army. Im not actually sure what I intend to do with them yet, as Im actually working on my space wolves 2.0 at the moment. I know the Dark Angel codex will likely be released within the year, and the pysker got a...