Workbench reorganization, Scythiak tanks

With the help of a bunch of fingernail polish racks I reorganized my paints and such to be more readily accessible, and hopefully put back where they belong. When we had some warmer weather, I also managed to get some spraying in on some Scythiak vehicles.  A Chimera...

Back to the workbench!

After a while of not doing much modelling or painting I'm getting back into the swing.  I picked up this fella on ebay and added the mask and axe and plan to use him as Lord Taurus, ascended leader of the Sons of Taurus renegade marines.  The listing said it was from...

The Amsterdam Files

Hey everyone, it’s my birthday today, and what better way to celebrate than to share with you the tale of what may be my favourite birthday present his year, even though it wasn’t even planned as one. Let me give fair warning in advance, though: This is...

Vraks: A Farewell to Templates

Today Scott came over with his Death Korps of Krieg and we played a 2500pt a side Vraks slugfest, partly as a farewell to 7th edition.  And man, it's good that blast markers are going away in 8th edition because I think we wore ours out in this battle! We had been...