Thanks and no thanks

Thanks and no thanks

It's good to give thanks, and to feel thankful. I get so grateful sometimes I've come close to posting just to say how great human beings are, or life is in general. I was fighting the urge this past week.That's because being thankful doesn't have to mean switching...
Up and at ’em = down and out?

Up and at ’em = down and out?

Thanks to the film Gravity the Kessler syndrome is getting plenty of discussion at the moment. That's the idea that objects colliding in orbit could trigger a cascade, with the mass of debris produced potentially rendering spaceflight very hazardous, keeping us on the...
Where in the world is Lantz – or his AdMech FanDex?

Where in the world is Lantz – or his AdMech FanDex?

The first part of the post title is a classic question, the second because the link to Lantz's FanDex is dead. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'll update it.I was reminded of the Dex partly by this post at Sons of Twilight on the Epic warhound, because...