New Conversions and Army Pic

Hello everyone!! It has been a super long time since I posted.  The Army has sat for a while and I haven't had a game in nearly two years.  But like every good hobby, 40K has come back full circle and I am wanting to work on my Praetorians again.  Just...

Compare and Contrast

With all the furor and frenzy over the Contrast Paints, it seemed wise to make a change in the schedule for my Army Painting series.  I had another Oil Painting series set up but everyone wants to know about these paints.So I grabbed some classic Khore...

Lady of Anguish

As some of you might already know, I have been creating painting tutorials on the Creature Caster figures, which I really love!  I have 8 of them in various stages of filming right now, but the first is complete, and a few episodes are on the YouTube channel for...

Wraith World

One of the things I try to do with my tutorials is to keep them as close to "real life" as possible.  That means taking commission projects and turning them into videos!In this case, I had to match this color scheme, which was going to be a major challenge,...

Dark Runes

Dark Sword figures provide an excellent "canvas" for various tutorials, and this one was no exception!  There were a few things I wanted to try out, as I have been doing a lot of NMM on all the Song of Ice and Fire minis.The home made wet palette made another...