Finished! Typhus, Herald of the Plague God

This project was started during a private tutoring session. Super fun to work on after throwing away the derpy smoke that came with the sculpt (you know what I'm talking about). I'd also like to remind my regular readers I've moved my operations over to Facebook...

Typhus – Herald of Nurgle

It’s so good to both build and finish a model that’s been sitting on the shelf for a while, therefore I am very happy to present my interpretation of Typhus, the Herald of Nurgle.   This model was an absolute joy to paint, so much so that my next...

2/12/15: Showcase: For Sale Nurgle Chaos Space Marines Army

Howdy folks!So I finally found some time to wrap up this army! I picked up a big group of Nurgle models before I moved from Durango last April; one half became my Gold-winning Armies on Parade force, while the second half turned into this! An amalgamation of...
6/30/14: WIP: Nurgle Chaos Army…or Armies?!

6/30/14: WIP: Nurgle Chaos Army…or Armies?!

Howdy folks!Wow! Almost two weeks without a post! That's no good! It's not that I haven't been super busy, I just haven't had a chance to wrap any projects up! After the Heldrake, I've been working hard on the Chaos Daemons and Good Game's second and third WHFB...
Mantic Typhus Zombies, Part 1

Mantic Typhus Zombies, Part 1

At the last Adepticon, I noticed a deal at the Mantic booth. They were selling a box of 30 Zombies from their Kings of War game and 3 boxes of 10 Marines from Warpath in a bundle. This was an obvious kit to create cultist zombies for the Chaos Space Marine codex that...