Genestealer Cult – Cult Mindslaves

Leading on from my musing on cult mindslaves, I fired two of these revolting meats-sacs under the brush. In case you missed my thrilling justifications for adding these to my cult force, here it is again. Previously (read in 80s American TV voice) on Mr Saturday's...

Genestealer Cult – Mindslaves

Lately I've been mulling over the old tyranid list from White Dwarf 145. There are several entries in there I'd love to paint. Zoats, mindslaves, squigs and the old plastic tyranids. Seeing as I'm already doing a genestealer cult this list has caught me by the hobby....

Winters SEO Battle Report- Tyranids vs Deathwatch

I recently played Winters SEO in another great battle report on his channel. This time my Deathwatch took on his Tyranids. If you want a good laugh, check out the comments section. I had no idea that so many stranglers disliked me. I mean, I had my suspicions,...

My Tyranid Warrior leader for KT is complete!

o/The title says it all really. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, and even found an old sabol tray in which to transport it (in a space that once held a space marine dreadnought).I had hoped to pop one of my last 40k cherries by fielding Tyranids for the 1st...