The Hivefleet Neverness Repair Prioject (Part 1)

 As told in the most recent battle report, a lot of my tyranid force was damaged due to heat exposure. The damage was done mostly to their bases (thankfully) and only one model was truly damaged.  Other models had their tabs warped and malformed when...

Space Marine Board Game Unboxed.

 I did something I didn't think I would ever get around to doing, I posted a video on YouTube. It's a simple and crude thing, but it was fun and spontaneous as I was genuinely excited to get this today. This is the exclusive to Target Space Marine boardgame....

Termagant Fun! (Part 4)

 The first brood of ten.The fun continues. Last time I finished off the first five guys in this brood, and now we have five more. Giving me a unit of ten fully painted Termagants. Focus on the pinkish parts of the fleshborer. One thing that I did to all...

Lett ’em Rip! (Part 2)

WIP shot of the Rippers.Once I got past the repair steps from last time I moved onto trying to get these things painted. First thing was to get their bases painted up. I did choose to add a skull to each base to indicate which squad brood that they are.  I...