Let ’em rip! (Part 1)

 As any tyranid player knows,  when building troop models you tend to accumulate Rippers. I found that I had a dozen of them. And it turns out that in 40k 9th edition (and now also in 10th)  Ripper Swarms have 4 wounds per base.Three bases of...

Death or Glory!

"I'm not making a final stand, you're making a final stand!"With this past weekend being the last official weekend of the last season of 9th edition, Da Masta Cheef made arrangements to try to get in a game of Warhammer 40k. We agreed to make lists of 1250...

Genestealer #11

 The next Genestealer* to be graced by my paint and brush is a more modern interpretation of the concept. This one I believe came from the wh40K 4th edition starter, the Battle for Macrage.  I got it with a small batch of nids that Da Masta Cheef tossed my...

Genestealer #10

 This is only the 10th Genestealer I have painted (if we discount the hybrids and Patriach). So, yeah, I just finished a squad, or rather a brood, of ten models. The first few were painted while I was still living in the U.K. way back in 1992.  Three decades...

Termagant Fun! (Part 3)

 Inspired by the recent distraction caused by the old school Hunter Screamer I recently painted, I felt compelled to paint up a few more Termagants. Since the last time I dabbled on these guys it only netted me a single fully painted model. Well now I have a...