My ’90s Space Marine Challenge

Here is my entry in the #90smarinechallenge. If you read my post announcing my intent to participate, you night know that I was not sure how to paint my model.  After hearing everyone who offered an opinion, it was clear that the masses wanted me to paint an...

Space Marine Board Game Unboxed.

 I did something I didn't think I would ever get around to doing, I posted a video on YouTube. It's a simple and crude thing, but it was fun and spontaneous as I was genuinely excited to get this today. This is the exclusive to Target Space Marine boardgame....

Here be Dragons… (v.2)

 o/Scary aren't they? No really, they are. Seriously!They even have rules that say they are...I'm sorry Zzzzz I tried, I really did. It just didn't work out. For those who aren't aware, Zzzzz is the one who named my Incandescent Coyotes chapter after seeing their...

Death or Glory!

"I'm not making a final stand, you're making a final stand!"With this past weekend being the last official weekend of the last season of 9th edition, Da Masta Cheef made arrangements to try to get in a game of Warhammer 40k. We agreed to make lists of 1250...

The Farmstead Operation

The weary loyalists from the XIII Legion cross the Thracian countryside and seek shelter from a friendly farmstead - this was the narrative for Ollie's project for last year's Armies on Parade, marking his tenth successive entry in as many years! The Ultramarines in a...