Another GT down and another two names added to the list of players headed to Vegas. In another comp heavy tournament a player that won all five games took best overall. Followed by an unconventional list to take second overall. The tourney was not without some drama as a revolt by the players over a mission caused it to be changed. My feeling is even if you made a mistake you have to stick with the mission, especially since the missions were posted before the tourney. Not to mention being pushed around by the players makes you look weak.

Then we have the issue of out of whack comp system that seems to have no rhyme or reason. This Dakka Thread should explain things better!

Comp Score Thread

Also rumors of bad play from the second overall winner have been filtering through the Internet.

Here is just one account of the poor play from the second place winner. (Quoted from this post)

I watched him playing against a guy in the 4th or 5th round. He rolled 20 or so of his custom dice and way too many sixes roll up. His opponent snaps forward and grabs up his dice before he can and shows him that he has two sets of dice he’s rolling…one set has a special symbol on the one and the other is on the six…”no dude…you rolled 3 sixes, not seven”….if I had been playing him and he tried that I’d get him kicked out. This was the middle of the game so obviously he had been rolling a lot of dice. Later in that same game some of his friends stopped by to watch him play. He rolled 14 dice and announced “14 wounds” and then snatched up his dice. His FRIENDS then said “no way, there were like four ones in there at least”….again his opponent seemed like he just didn’t want to deal with arguing with the guy and just said “whatever”. The stories about this guy seem to turn up every round…..

I did some math on the various lists people said he played and it seems that all of them were over anywhere from 50-150 points. Couple that with him not giving out his army list to anyone makes for super sketch factor.

Here are the top two lists. I will include the third place winner as well, since you never know when someone might lose their ticket. I came up a little short on the points for the IG player army, but enough to get an idea about his list.

Brad Nicholas – Space Marines

Dameon Green – Chaos Space Marines

Matt Cassidy – Imperial Guard

Here are some more links for battle reports from some of the players that attended.

St. Valentine Batreps

St. Valentine Batreps

St. Valentine Batreps

Blood and Blades St. Valentines Day Massacre Report

Would love to hear from participants and links to other sites for pics and battle reports.