In the annuals of fandom there is always an ever-present them vs. us mentality, as nerds and geeks attach themselves devoutly to certain IPs. The classic debates center around usually, Star Wars vs. Star Trek or Marvel vs. DC. Sadly, most nerds who engage in these sorts of “debates” suffer from excessive neck-beard growth and typically live in the proverbial mother’s basement. Lucky, for us we don’t have these sorts of people who engage is such theoretical folly, besides we all know nothing beats the God Emperor. I mean really the Force has nothing on Chaos anyway? Strangely though, while my mom was cooking me up some hot-pockets I discovered one such individual who has slapped down the gauntlet in defense of the Warhammer 40k universe!

Here is his Youtubes…

Star Wars vs. Warhammer 40k

Part 2

As you can see, the time it took this gentlemen to produced these videos, alone is enough reason to support his case.

Oh wait, there is more!

What about the Halo Universe? Let us see what he has to say about that!

This is definitely a case of someone have too much time on his hands!


Best of 40k Internet is rated Old News. These articles are meant to bring to light some of the best 40k inspired stuff you can find on the Interwebs… AKA mostly Youtube videos you probably seen.