Continued from last week, here's part 2 of my tutorial on creating Toxic Slime Pits

Step 5. Sculpt Some Greenstuff Bubbles

To create the bubbling effect of the ooze, we need to have some Bubbles! 
I made balls of green stuff and let them full dry. 
Then I made a couple bubble clusters by smushing them into green stuff dollops.

Step 6. Mold & Cast The Greenstuff Bubbles To Make Clear Bubbles

 At this point I made a rubber mold. I made a mold box from sheet styrene, poured the silicone rubber in and let dry.
Once the mold was dry I pulled it revealing a perfect inverse.  

I poured Smooth-On EpoxAcast 690 Clear Epoxy Resin in it and cast a bunch of clear bubbles!

Step 7. Pouring The Ooze In

I used the same resin I cast the bubbles with, for the final effect. 
I poured the clear resin in and then dropped the bubbles in randomly across the pits. 
The wet resin merged perfectly with the edges of the bubbles and gave a unified liquid effect.

Step 8. Stand Back & Admire

Here's a few pics of the Toxic Slime Pits in action.