We have made it to the Finals!

Here is quick rundown of the final 16 as they enter the second and most final day of tournament.
1 Newton, Jesse – nids
2 Roberts, Josh – Necrons/CSM
3 Aleong, Aaron – Necrons/CSM
4 Nayden, Sean – Eldar/dark Eldar
5 Hoerger, Eric – Necrons/CSM
6 Nanavati, Nick – Necrons/GK
7 Reidy, Thomas – daemons
8 Tricola, Adam – Gk/Necrons
9 Born, Werner – Necrons
10 Hernandez, Allan – Gk
11 Brown, Austin – Necrons
12 Brunner, Ken – Necrons/CSM
13 Arimond, David – gk
14 Myers, Thomas – Ork
15 Hesselberg, Daniel – Necrons
16 Kopach, Tony – Space Marine/IG
Half the field is Necrons with only two players (I believe) making it from last years top 16, which is pretty amazing– the difference a year and new edition makes.
Round one winners

Alan beats Goatboy
Nick N. beats Austin b.
Josh R beats hesselback
Aaron a beats David a.
Tony K beats Jesse n.
Sean N. beats Thomas m.
Werner b. beats Adam t.
Eric h. Beats ken b.

With round one over it leaves pretty much just necrons against 1 space marine 1 eldar and 1 grey knight

Round 2

Nick n beats Sean n
Tony k. Beats Eric h.
Josh r. Beats Allen h.
Aaron a. Beat Eric h.

Round 3 match ups are…

Tony k vs. Aaron a
Josh r. Vs. nick n

Nick n beats Josh r
Tony k beats Aaron

Both finals games were ties on everything and it came down to victory points with both winning by around 200 point margins.

Final round will be

Nick N. necrons/drago against Space Marin khan with IG blobs tony k.

Here is a pdf file scan of the final four armies. Will make a separate post with all the armies tomorrow (hopefully). Will also eventually convert them to army builder.

And the new champion of adepticon is nick nanavati!!

Final Four Adepticon 2013

Expect, updates through out the day so keep on checking back to see how is in or out!

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Tits for Tournaments is rated factually opinionated. Expect results, army lists, and some light bitching about boring spam lists to follow.