Tits for Tournaments: New Dark Angels 3rd Adventure


Tits for Tournaments is rated factually opinionated. Expect results, army lists, and some light bitching about boring spam lists to follow.

Last time I talked about Dark Angels was a month ago, about my preparation for a one day tournament at the Celesticon Convention.

The event had around 40 players and used most of the ITC FAQ and rules. Some minor changes were made, but for the most part it ran like most ITC events I go to. The list I took is below

TastyTaste Celesticon Dark Angels ITC List

My plan was to use Daemon Summoning to really give me an advantage, but as it turns out it kinda cost me my final game and a chance of winning the whole event. Let us start about the beginning though.

My first game, was against a Tyranid player with typical Tyranid things like Hive Tyrants. It also had tons of Genestealers, I was able to win pretty handily, but terribly I happened to print out the wrong army lists and gave it to my opponent! While my models were clearly WYSIWYG, I kept on wondering why my opponent was thinking I had certain things I didn’t have, it finally dawned on me, so I told my opponent. This caused some drama as my opponent tried to convince the TO to force me forfeit the game, I agreed if the list I emailed to the TO beforehand wasn’t the real one I was playing. Thank goodness I did send him the right thing! In the end I felt really bad, but I did explain everything in my army as I placed it.

My second game was against Daemon Screamer Star list with the usual stuff, I was able to win only because my opponent had one round where every, and I mean EVERY psychic power and the Grimnoir failed.

This set up the final round, where I was on table two and one of eight players capable of winning the event based on the Battlepoints. I got to play against Eldar with some nasty stuff, least of which was some Dark Reapers! I mean, I should have saw it coming, with the whole Ignore Cover S5 AP3 shooting!

I ended up losing the game by one point! I could have won too, I didn’t take the time to properly space out a unit, which allowed my opponent to contest the Relic with Jetbikes. I also gave him First Blood by summoning Daemons, to block a Wraith Knight charge that probably wouldn’t have happened.

It was a great game having a ton of fun, and coming down to bonus points since we tied the Primary and Secondary missions.

Here are the final results from the event.

Celesticon 2015 Results

So, my Dark Angel tournament undefeated streak came to end at after 10 games! I am still learning a lot, like knowing when and when not to use Summoning. I will have to put my experience to the test in a few short days, as I plan on attending Know No Mercy GT in Sacramento California at Great Escape Games.

This event will be quite the struggle for me, as it is six games, I tend to clock out after five games, so having a 6th one might push me over the edge. The event will also be pretty unrestricted, as in only Unbound & Experimental Rules won’t be allowed. It also means D weapons are at full power and everything under the sun is allowed. I could very well see a Warhound, Revenant, or Reaver Titan. I basically auto lose any game if I don’t get Invisibility. So, it should be a barrel of laughs if I get that sort of match up.

To give myself some sort of chance I am going to have to fight fire with fire, but without taking super cheesy unit. I figured a Knight riding next to my Dark Angels could do the trick. So I am taking a Acheron Knight,this bugger is fast and packs a Hellstorm Weapon to clear out pesky units in cover. He also re-rolls 1s on the D chart when assulting vehicles, making him really deadly against Titans. The Acheron does strip my list to the barebones, I just have to hope for the right spell combinations.

Here is the list I plan on running.

TastyTaste Know No Mercy 2015

I am also making the change to Sammael, because his Warlord trait is pretty amazing when it comes to making Charges or Turbo-Boosting my the Bike Star. The list is very Elite, with every unit (minus the Tacticals) being tough to kill and dangerous. I am sure I will face something I have never faced before, but I am up for the challenge. If anything else the salad bowl missions the event is using should give everyone a chance even me!