Throw those Masks off! Time for Warhammer 40k Tournament Results!

by | May 16, 2021

With Covid cases dropping rapidly and Vaccines rising, we can safely say the return to Warhammer 40k GT and Major events are back in full swing in USA. The first two weeks of May saw 5 GT level events and here are the following Top 3 Warhammer 40k List results.

Murrieta GT Invitational: Top 3

Kyle Parry 1st Place Murrieta Invitational GT 2021 – Harlequins – Craftworlds

5-0 Scores: 82 / 92 / 42 / 83 / 92

Erik Trock 2nd Place Murrieta GT 2021 – Drukhari

4-1 Scores: 100 / 97 / 37 / 100 / 95

Junior Aflleje 3rd Place Murrieta GT 2021 – Blood Angels

4-1 Scores: 4 98 / 94 / 53 / 73 / 90

Red River GT: Top 3

Thomas Ogden 1st Place Red River GT 2021 – Dark Angels

5-0 Scores: 68 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 93

Brad Chester 2nd Place Red River GT 2021 – Drukhari

4-1 Scores: 94 / 95 / 88 / 58 / 93

Daniel Sansone 3rd Place Red River GT 2021 – Chaos Daemons – Death Guard – Thousand Sons

4-1 Scores: 50 / 99 / 90 / 87 / 95

Gameology – Battle For LA: Top 3

Brandon Grant 1st Place Gameology – Battle For LA 2021 – Adepta Sororitas

5-0 Scores: 90 / 95 / 97 / 90 / 76

Joel Wilson 2nd Place Gameology – Battle For LA 2021 – Dark Angels

4-1 Scores: 98 / 81 / 97 / 85 / 91

William Saunders 3rd Place Gameology – Battle For LA 2021 – Space Marines – Salamanders 

4-1 Scores: 91 / 98 / 63 / 94 / 91

The Cool Place Spring GT: Top 3

John Lennon 1st Place The Cool Place Spring GT 2021 – Space Marines – Ultramarines

5-0 Scores: 77 / 77 / 95 / 97 / 76

Stephen Mitchell 2nd Place The Cool Place Spring GT 2021 – Chaos Deamons – Thousand Sons

4-1 Scores: 100 / 92 / 95 / 60 / 96

Daniel Hesters 3rd Place The Cool Place Spring GT 2021 – Drukhari

4-1 Scores: 100 / 48 / 94 / 95 / 91

Maryland OPEN ITC Grand Tournament 2021: Top 3

Patrick McAneeny 1st Place Maryland OPEN ITC Grand Tournament 2021 – Space Marines – White Scars

5-0 Scores: 86 / 85 / 100 / 81 / 78

Curt Phillips 2nd Place Maryland OPEN ITC Grand Tournament 2021 – Drukhari

5-0 Scores: 95 / 90 / 90 / 74 / 74

Daniel Kennedy 3rd Place Maryland OPEN ITC Grand Tournament 2021 – Adeptus Mechanicus – Adeptus Custodes 

5-0 Scores: 96 / 83 / 79 / 70 / 84

While it still looks like Drukhari will need some nerfing, at least the last few weeks have shown players making adjustments and taking the fight to the pointy eared slave traders. We saw no Drukhari taking a 1st place, but a lot of silver metals. We did get a Space Marine resurgence, with Dark Angels to Ultramarines winning events.

The winning lists were sorta a good microcosm of the current state of the meta, with very few outlier armies winning, but a core of consistent performers for the year so far. If you though take a deep dive into the lists, you will see some fun things going on, like Warp Spiders, Inquisitors, Telemons. Look for the meta to change yet AGAIN as Ad-Mech 9th edition codex is finally just around for the corner in time for the summer months.