Games Workshop Stock Market Watch March 2022

by | Apr 14, 2022

Watching stocks over the short-term is often an experiment in futility; on March 10th 2022 we looked back at the state of Games Workshop’s stock and financial health, and today we do the same…

March 2022… well just when you thought one tragic human event was enough for a generation, it seems the Ukraine War will be our second, and the affects on the global economy is just starting to be felt everywhere. The biggest issue from a financial standpoint though, is the continued rising global inflation; this that will have the most impact on Games Workshop stock price moving forward. 

With that lets see how Games Workshop stock performed for the month of March 2022.

Surprisingly, Games Workshop stock stabilized for the month after hitting big lows, and like clockwork released another dividend to end the month. How does this reflect for the year so far…

Games Workshop shares are still way down for the year, but it seems have stopped heading downward, which is the most important thing. As inflation and other events evolve we shall see if Games Workshop can continue to claw its way back up.

March saw a lot investment news including the above mentioned dividend found linked below.

Director Shareholding

Trading Update and Dividend

Holding(s) in Company

Block listing interim review

Total Voting Rights

Director Shareholding