It is that time again for the wargaming convention formerly known as BoLScon. I am making my pilgrimage to Austin so I can cover and play in the largest 40k event in Texas: WargamesCon. Blood of Kittens coverage will focus on the players and the 40k championship event, with the other events scattered in if time allows.
The 40k championship is a seven game affair stretched over two days– a true test of endurance. People around the Net are already handicapping the event, with many thinking the Grey Knight will have their break out party. Maybe though we will we have an underdog win, like two years ago with Tyranids or perhaps a dark horse like Deathwing or Eldar will be triumphant. Either way Blood of Kittens will be around to provide all the coverage with army and player analysis.
For my part I will also be playing, but not in the high stakes championship (seven games & 2000 points makes me cry a lot), instead I putting my tactical prowess to the test in the Mirror Match competition that will be taking place this Friday. The Mirror Match pits identical 1500 pts Space Marine lists against each other in a test of generalship or who can fail terminators saves first. Check out the list here at…
I was even crazy enough to paint the entire 1500 point army from scratch over the last week. I still have some stuff left to touch up, as well as fight off a nasty cold, before my flight leaves tomorrow morning!
The Mirror Match I hope will be really special. It will be interesting to see what combinations and personal tactics that will show up for this unique event.
When we finally move to the final day of the WargamesCon, I am still not sure how the organizers are going to break down the final tables and if anyone can get close to enough to watch. Last year had no problems so I hope the same will be for this year’s event. The 40k Championship scoring system might also not produce a clear leader going into the final round, so jumping from table to table might be in order.
If you want to take a look at the scoring packet for WargamesCon just follow the link
WargamesCon 40k Championship Rules
Check back here on Friday as the coverage will start with some interviews and maybe some Mirror Match Coverage, but the real fun doesn’t get started till Saturday when the big boys come out to play in one of the largest states I the union.
For everyone attending and wanting to say howdy, look for the guy with a green A’s baseball cap I doubt anyone else will have that particular piece of attire.
As always if you want to suggest certain coverage or questions let me know, I will try to accommodate.
See you all on Friday!