Astra Militarum 7th Edition
Astra Militarum Tactical Summary as of 10-26-16
Astra Militarum or the army formerly known as the Imperial Guard has gone through many changes over the years. The Astra Militarum started out as a Judge Dredd style military force, and then quickly moved into representing mirror images of many 19th and 20th century Earth forces. It was at this point Games Workshop decided to focus on a particular look and feel for the Astra Militarum. The most standard looking Astra Militarum force is that of the armies of Cadia. The Cadians are a very generic looking army with many traits still firmly placed in a Cold War ascetic.
Games Workship is stuck with this look as; a hard sci-fi look just doesn’t fit with the 40k universe, trying to find the right fit has been hard to grasp. As things progress though, you can start to see units looking more like Solar Auxila and less like clear 21st century knock offs.
As for competitive play the Astra Militarum are in a deep downturn, the are only held above water by the vast number of Forge units to supplement the army. The Astra Militarum just don’t have the damage output and abilities to cut through Deathstars or any resilient army. Once you reach their lines they just crumble. You are left with many competitive Astra Militarum armies stuck with large blobs protecting Artillery in the backfield. This is good at holding a line, but too defensive to win objective missions and boring to play.
The only fantastic unit the Astra Militarum has is the Wyvern and it is no wonder most Astra Militarum Ally forces use them. The Astra Militarum do take advantage of the Priests which can make any blob unit deadly. The Astra Militarum suffer from expensive units and no good formations that reduce the costs. The Vendetta is still decent and provides the only really reliable way to get units into your opponent’s backfield. Astra Militarum though have slim pickings as the iconic tanks like the Leman Russ can’t hold their own. Unless the game changes dramatically you can expect to see the continued the underused and under appreciated Astra Militarum.
Below you find all the quick reference material you need to build an competitive or fluffy Astra Militarum army.
- Astra Militarum
- Combined Arms Detachment
- Allied Detachment
- Air Superiority Detachment
- Cadian Battle Group
- Imperial Navy Section
- The Grand Convocation Detachment
- Castellans of the Imperium Detachment
Force Organization
Compulsory: 1 HQ, 2 Troops
Optional: 1 HQ, 4 Troops, 3 Elites, 3 FA, 3 HS, 1 Lord of War, 1 Fortification
Restrictions: All units chosen must have the same Faction (or have no Faction).
Command Benefits:
Ideal Mission Commander: If this Detachment is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can choose to re-roll the result on the Warlord Trait table.
Objective Secured: All Troops units from this Detachment have the Objective Secured special rule. A unit with this special rule controls objectives even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the objective marker, unless the enemy unit also has this special rule.
Source: Warhammer 40k 7th ed. Rule Book
Compulsory: 1 HQ, 1 Troop
Optional: 1 Troop, 1 Elite, 1 FA, 1 HS
Restrictions: This Detachment cannot be your Primary Detachment. Your Warlord can never be chosen from this Detachment. All units chosen must have the same Faction (or no Faction). All units chosen must have a different Faction to any of the units in your Primary Detachment (or no Faction).
Command Benefits:
Objective Secured: All Troops units from this Detachment have the Objective Secured special rule. A unit with this special rule controls objectives even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the objective marker, unless the enemy unit also has this special rule.
Source: Warhammer 40k 7th ed. Rule Book
Force Organization
Compulsory: 1 Flyer Wing
Optional: 2 Flyer Wings
Restrictions: All Units must have the same Faction.
Command Benefits:
Air Commander: Pick a Wing Leader from this Detachment to be its commander. If the commander is in Reserve, you can re-roll the dice in the Interception sub-phase. If you have Air Superiority and the commander is in Reserve, you can add or subtract 2 from your Reserve Rolls, rather than 1, and your opponent must subtract 2 from their Reserve Rolls.
Combined Formation: You can roll once for all of the Wings in this Detachment to see if they arrive from Reserve. If the roll is successful they all arrive. If it fails none of them do. You can roll individually for each Wing if you prefer.
Objective Secured: All Transports from this Detachment which can Hover have the Objective Secured rule. A unit with this special rule which is Hovering controls objectives even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the Objective Marker, unless the enemy also has this special rule.
Source: Supplement: Death from the Skies
Cadian Battle Group
Force Organization
Command: 1+ Battle Group Command
Core: 0-3 Per Command Emperor’s Shield Infantry Company, Emperor’s Fist Armoured Company.
Auxiliary: 0-3 per Core Emperor’s Shield Infantry Platoon, Infantry Platoon, Super-Heavy Support Element, Emperor’s Blade Assault Company, Emperor’s Spear Aerial Company, Ogryn Auxilla, Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company, Emperor’s Talon Recon Company, Psykana Division, Militarum Tempestus Platoon
Restrictions: This Detachment must include at least one Command choice. For each Command choice, it may include up to three Core choices. For each Core choice, it may include up to three Auxiliary choices. Only the datasheets listed here can be included in this Detachment. No unique models other than those listed here may be taken as part of this Detachment. The Cadian Battle Group is a Cadian Detachment.
Command Benefits:
High Command: A Company Commander that is part of a Battle Group Command can issue up to three orders each turn, rather than two, and can issue them to units from this Detachment that are within 24? rather than 12?.
Battle Group Vox-net: When an officer from this Detachment issues an order to a unit from this Detachment, roll an additional dice for the Leadership test and discard the highest roll.
Sharpshooters: Models from this Detachment can re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 when firing lasguns or hot-shot lasguns.
Source: Campaign War Zone Damocles – Montka
Imperial Navy Section
Force Organization
Compulsory: 1 Valkyrie unit
Optional: 1 Officer of the Fleet
Restrictions: All units from this Detachment must have the Aeronautica Imperialis Faction
Command Benefits:
Air Superiority:You can re-roll failed Reserve Rolls for the units in this Detachment.
Source: Codex: Imperial Agents
The Grand Convocation Detachment
Force Organization
Compulsory: 2 HQ, 4 Troops
Optional: 0-2 HQ, 4+ Troops, 6 Elites, 6 FA, 6 HS, 3 Lord of War
Restrictions: This Detachment must include at least four Troops choices and two HQ choices. It may include up to two more HQ choices and any number of additional Troops choices, as well as up to 6 Elites, 6 Fast Attack and 6 Heavy Support choices, and up to 3 Lord of War choices, in any combination. This Detachment must also include units that have at least two different Factions.
The Grand Convocation Army List divides the units available into several categories, according to their Battlefield Role. You must use the profiles, points costs, equipment, options, special rules and any Dedicated Transports available to each unit as described on their datasheet.
- Belisarius Cawl, Enginseer, Tech-Priest Dominus
- Kataphron Breachers, Kataphron Destroyers, Skitarii Rangers, Skitarii Vanguard
- Corpuscarii Electro-Priests, Fulgurite Electro-Priests, Sicarian Infiltrators, Sicarian Ruststalkers
- Sydonian Dragoons
- Kastellan Robot Maniple, Ironstrider Ballistarii, Onager Dunecrawlers
- Knight Crusader, Knight Errant, Knight Gallant, Knight Paladin, Knight Warden
Command Benefits:
Agents of the Adeptus Mechanicus: All vehicles in this Detachment have the It Will Not Die special rule. In addition, all vehicles in the Detachment that are within 6″ of an HQ choice from this Detachment at the start of the turn have the Power of the Machine Spirit special rule until the start of your next turn.
Chosen of the Omnissiah: If this Detachment is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can choose to re-roll the result on the Warlord Trait table.
Noospheric Choir: If this Detachment’s Force Organisation Chart contains the maximum number of units (excluding Troops), then all units in the Detachment have the Canticles of the Omnissiah special rule
Source: Gathering Storm Fall of Cadia
Castellans of the Imperium Detachment
Force Organization
Compulsory: 2 HQ, 4 Troops
Optional: 0-2 HQ, 4+ Troops, 6 Elites, 6 FA, 6 HS, 3 Lord of War
Restrictions: This Detachment must include at least four Troops choices and two HQ choices. It may include up to two more HQ choices and any number of additional Troops choices, as well as up to 6 Elites, 6 Fast Attack and 6 Heavy Support choices, and up to 3 Lord of War choices, in any combination. This Detachment must also include units that have at least two different Factions.
The Castellans of the Imperium Army List divides the units available into several categories, according to their Battlefield Role. You must use the profiles, points costs, equipment, options, special rules and any Dedicated Transports available to each unit as described on their datasheet.
- Inquisitor Greyfax, Celestine, Terminator Captain, Commissar,Commissar Yarrick, Company Command Squad, Enginseer (& Servitors), Knight Commander Pask, Lord Commissar, Ministorum Priest, Primaris Psyker, Tank Commander, Canoness, Ecclesiarchy Battle Conclave,Sororitas Command Squad, Uriah Jacobus, Inquisitor Coteaz, Inquisitor Karamazov, Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor, Ordo Malleus Inquisitor, Ordo Xenos Inquisitor, Militarum Tempestus Command Squad, Captain, Chaplain, Chaplain Grimaldus, The Emperor’s Champion, High Marshal Helbrecht, Librarian, Techmarine
- Infantry Platoon, Veterans, Battle Sisters Squad, Militarum Tempestus Scions, Crusader Squad, Scout Squad, Tactical Squad
- Callidus Assassin, Culexus Assassin, Eversor Assassin, Vindicare Assassin, Cataphractii Terminator Squad, Bullgryns, Militarum Tempestus Platoon, Ogryns, Ratlings, Wyrdvane Psykers, Celestian Squad, Repentia Squad, Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband, Centurion Assault Squad, Command Squad, Dreadnoughts, Honour Guard, Ironclad Dreadnoughts, Sternguard Veteran Squad, Terminator Squad, Terminator Assault Squad, Vanguard Veteran Squad, Venerable Dreadnoughts
- Armoured Sentinel Squadron, Hellhound Squadron, Rough Riders, Scout Sentinel Squadron, Vendetta Squadron, Valkyrie Squadron, Dominion Squad, Seraphim Squad, Stormhawk Interceptors, Taurox Prime, Assault Squad, Attack Bike Squad, Bike Squad, Drop Pod, Land Speeder Storm, Land Speeders, Razorback, Rhino, Scout Bike Squad, Stormtalon Gunship
- Contemptor Dreadnought, Basilisk Battery, Deathstrike, Hydra Battery, Leman Russ Squadron, Manticore, Wyvern Battery, Exorcist, Penitent Engine, Retributor Squad, Centurion Devastator Squad, Devastator Squad, Hunters, Land Raider, Land Raider Crusader, Land Raider Redeemer, Predators, Stalkers, Stormraven Gunship, Thunderfire Cannons, Vindicators, Whirlwinds
- Knight Crusader, Knight Errant, Knight Gallant, Knight Paladin, Knight Warden, Baneblade, Banehammer, Banesword, Doomhammer, Hellhammer, Shadowsword, Stormlord, Stormsword
Command Benefits:
Zealous Defenders: All units in this Detachment have the Hatred special rule. However, if this Detachment’s Force Organisation Chart contains the maximum number of units (excluding Troops), then all units in the Detachment have the Zealot special rule instead.
Flock to the Front Line: Each time a Troops unit from this Detachment is completely destroyed, roll a D6. On a 5+, you can immediately place a new unit into Ongoing Reserves that is identical, in terms of the original number of models, weapons and upgrades, to the unit that was just destroyed. This new unit counts as being part of the original Detachment, so roll a D6 as described above if they are subsequently destroyed. Victory points are awarded as normal for new units in this Detachment that have been completely destroyed.
Lord Castellan: If this Detachment is chosen as your Primary Detachment, you can choose to re-roll the result on the Warlord Trait table.
Source: Gathering Storm Fall of Cadia
Only one of each Heirlooms of Conquest may be taken per army.
The Emperor’s Benediction 5 pts:
Range 12 inches, Str 5, AP 4, Type: Pistol, Percision Shot, Master-crafted
The Laurels of Command 25 pts:
Whenever a friendly unit from Codex: Astra Militarum within 6” of the bearer is required to take a Morale check, the bearer of the Laurels may choose whether they pass or fail. However, if the model with the Laurels is removed as a casualty, all friendly units from Codex: Astra Militarum within 6” must take an immediate Pinning test.
The Tactical Auto-Reliquary of Tyberius 25 pts:
When rolling Leadership tests for orders issued by an officer with the Tactical Auto-Reliquary, any successful Leadership test that results in a double will count as Inspired Tactics. However, if you roll a double 1 while using the Tactical Auto-Reliquary, you still benefit from Inspired Tactics, though the officer has ‘accidentally’ shut the device out of the vox network – it may no longer be used this game.
The Blade of Conquest 25 pts:
Range -, Str +1, AP3, Type: Melee, Master-crafted
The Deathmask of Ollanius 30 pts:
The bearer of the Deathmask of Ollanius gains a 4+ invulnerable save, and has the It Will Not Die and Fear special rules.
Kurov’s Aquila 60 pts:
The officer, and all friendly units from Codex: Astra Militarum within 6?, have the Preferred Enemy special rule. In addition, the bearer may re-roll a single failed Leadership test per turn.
Units in a Cadian Detachment can take Heirlooms of Cadia in addition to any Heirlooms of Conquest. One of each Heirlooms of Cadia can be chose per army.
Celeritas 10 pts:
Range -, Str User, AP -, Type: Melee, Master-crafted, Deadly Riposte = When fighting in a challenge, a model with this weapon has an invulnerable save of +4. Each successful save regardless if the characters dies can immediately make an attack that hits automatically and has the Rending special rule.
Kabe’s Herald 20 pts:
A Tank Commander in your army may be equipped with Kabe’s Herald. When using Tank Orders special rule you can pick any Leman Russ squadrons within 12″, each of those squadrons are affective by the Tank Order as though it was part of the Tank Commander’s unit.
Iron Left 25 pts:
Range -, Str +2, AP 3, Type: Melee
Standard of the Lost 113th 30 pts:
One Veteran in the army that can carry a regimental standard can instead carry the Standard of the Lost 113th. In addition to any regimental standard, at the start of your movement phase you can plant the standard. The bearer’s unit cannot move, run, or charge for the rest of the game, but it any friendly Cadian units within 18″ are Fearless.
Volkov’s Cane 10 pts:
Company Commander only. The model with the Cane, when issuing an to a unit within 6″, the Leadership test will on fail on a roll of double 6s. Range -, Str User, AP 4, Type: Melee, Concussive
Wrath of Cadia 5 pts:
Range 12″, Str 3, AP -, Type: Pistol, Punitive = This weapon always wounds on 4+. When making armour saves against attacks by this weapon with this special rule, a roll of 3 or less always fails, even if the target has better Save characteristic
As of 10-25-16
The next section features all the various Formations each faction has. Expand each Formation for detailed information for, including (red highlighted) links to shopping lists for each Formation.
The Steel Host Formation
Requirements: 1 Tank Commander, 3 Leman Russ Squadrons, 1 Hydra
Restrictions: None.
Special Rules:
Elite Tank Crews: The Tank Commander, and all vehicles from this formation within 12? of the Tank Commander, have the Preferred Enemy special rule.
Source: Sanctus Reach: Red Waaagh or WD023
Rampart Detachment Formation
Requirements: 1 Platoon Command Squad, 2 Bullgryn Squads
Restrictions: Bullgryn Squads unit size of 5 or more.
Special Rules: Counter-attack, Fear, Fearless.
Impenetrable Shield Wall: Friendly Infantry models that are partially obscured by models from this formation receive an additional +1 to their cover save.
Source: Sanctus Reach: Red Waaagh
Emperor’s Shield Platoon Formation
Emperor’s Shield Platoon Formation
Restrictions: The Infantry Platoon must include at least five Infantry Squads. Units taken as part of the Infantry Platoon may not take Dedicated Transports.
Special Rules:
Forward Recon: Units from this Formation’s Infantry Platoon have the Move Through Cover special rule whilst they are within 9? of a Scout Sentinel or Armoured Sentinel from this Formation.
Marching Drill: The Platoon Commander can issue the ‘Fire and Advance!’ order to one unit from its Infantry Platoon, in addition to any other orders it issues.
‘Fire and Advance!’: The ordered unit must make a shooting attack. The unit counts as being stationary, even if it moved in the preceding Movement phase.
Source: Campaign War Zone Damocles – Montka
Emperor’s Shield Infantry Company Formation
Emperor’s Shield Infantry Company Formation
Requirements: 1 Company Command Squad, 3 Emperor’s Shield Infantry Platoons Formation
Restrictions: None.
Special Rules:
Punishing Fusillade: The Company Commander can choose to issue the ‘First Rank, Fire! Second Rank, Fire!’ order to any number of units from the Infantry Company at the same time. This counts as issuing a single order. If he does so, make a single Leadership test, using the highest Leadership among the ordered units. If the test is passed, all ordered units must shoot at the same target.
Source: Campaign War Zone Damocles – Montka
Emperor’s Talon Recon Company Formation
Emperor’s Talon Recon Company Formation
Restrictions: Each unit must consist of 3 models.
Special Rules: Outflank
Company Command: One Scout Sentinel or Armoured Sentinel in this Formation must be designated the Command Sentinel. That model gains the Character unit type, and can issue the ‘Take Aim!’, ‘Forwards, for the Emperor!’ or ‘Move! Move! Move!’ order to a unit in its Formation as though it were an officer. Units from this Formation count as having a Leadership characteristic of 8 for the purposes of the test to see if the order has been understood.
Dedicated Hunters: At the start of your first turn, pick a unit in the enemy army. All models in this Recon Company have the Preferred Enemy special rule against that unit for the remainder of the game.
Source: Campaign War Zone Damocles – Montka
The Emperor’s Blade Assault Company Formation
The Emperor’s Blade Assault Company Formation
Requirements: 1 Company Command Squad, 3 units of Veterans, 1-3 Hellhound Squadrons
Restrictions: The Company Command Squad and each of the units of Veterans must either take a Chimera or a Taurox as a Dedicated Transport.
Special Rules:
Clear the Area: Units from an Assault Company have the Preferred Enemy special rule against enemy units within 6? of an Objective Marker.
Objective Secured: Infantry units from an Assault Company have the Objective Secured special rule. A unit with this special rule controls Objective Markers even if an enemy scoring unit is within range of the Objective Marker, unless the enemy unit also has this special rule.
Source: Campaign War Zone Damocles – Montka
Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company Formation
Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company Formation
Restrictions: The Company Command Squad and each of the units of Veterans must either take a Chimera or a Taurox as a Dedicated Transport.
Special Rules:
Artillery Command: The Company Commander from this Formation can issue the ‘Smite at Will!’, ‘Suppressive Fire!’ and ‘Fire on my Target!’ orders to units of vehicles from this Formation. Units of vehicles from this Formation count as having a Leadership characteristic of 8 for the purposes of seeing whether the order has been understood.
Target Sighted: Once per turn, in your Shooting phase, one friendly model equipped with a vox-caster can call in target coordinates. Choose an enemy unit within 18? and in line of sight of that model. Until the end of the phase, models from this Formation count their weapons as Twin-linked when firing at that enemy unit.
Source: Campaign War Zone Damocles – Montka
Emperor’s Fist Armoured Company Formation
Emperor’s Fist Armoured Company Formation
Requirements: 1 Tank Commander, 3 Leman Russ Squadrons, 1-3 Enginseer
Restrictions: None.
Special Rules:
Battlefield Doctrines: If a vehicle from this Formation that is within 6? of an Enginseer from this Formation suffers a penetrating hit, your opponent must roll two dice on the Vehicle Damage table and discard the highest.
Formation Leader: Any Leman Russ from this Formation within 12? of the Tank Commander from this Formation has a Ballistic Skill of 4.
Steel Phalanx: If a unit is Tank Shocked or Rammed by more than one vehicle from this Formation in the same turn, subtract 1 from its Leadership for the Tank Shock test or add 1 to the Strength of the Ram for each vehicle after the first.
Source: Campaign War Zone Damocles – Montka
Ogryn Auxilla Formation
Requirements: 1 Commissar, 2 units of Ogryns, 2 units of Bullgryns
Restrictions: None.
Special Rules:
Groundshaking Charge: If a unit of Ogryns or Bullgryns from this Formation charges an enemy unit that has already been charged by a unit of Ogryns or Bullgryns from this Formation in the same Assault phase, their Hammer of Wrath hits are resolved at Strength 7.
Unquestioning Loyalty: Units of Ogryns and Bullgryns from this Formation that are within 12? of the Commissar from this Formation have the Fearless special rule.
Source: Campaign War Zone Damocles – Montka
Psykana Division Formation
Requirements: 1 Primaris Psyker, 3 units of Wyrdvane Psykers, 1-3 Commissars
Restrictions: None.
Special Rules:
Empyric Link: The Primaris Psyker knows any Psychic Powers known by units of Wyrdvane Psykers from the same Division while they are within 12?. In addition, add 1 to the Primaris Psyker’s Mastery Level until the end of the Psychic phase for every 5 Wyrdvane Psykers from the same Division that are within 12? at the start of the phase. Note that this does not cause him to generate any additional powers.
Encouraging Presence: While a unit of Wyrdvane Psykers from this Formation is joined by a Commissar from this Formation, it successfully harnesses Warp Charge points on a roll of 2+ rather than 4+. However, if it attempts to manifest a Psychic Power and fails its psychic test, one randomly determined Wyrdvane Psyker from the unit is removed as a casualty. Furthermore, if it suffers Perils of the Warp, one randomly determined Wyrdvane Psyker from the unit is removed as a casualty and no roll is made on the Perils of the Warp table.
Source: Campaign War Zone Damocles – Montka
Emperor’s Fury Super-Heavy Company Formation
Emperor’s Fury Super-Heavy Company Formation
Restrictions: None.
Special Rules:
Dedicated Servant: When the Enginseer from this Formation uses the Blessings of the Omnissiah rule to repair a vehicle from this Formation, add 2 to the result of the roll.
Devastating Bombardment: If an enemy unit is hit by 3 or more Primary weapons from this Formation, it must take a Morale check on 4D6 unless it has Gone to Ground.
The Ground Shakes: Enemy units within 12? of at least two vehicles from this Formation move as though they are in difficult terrain.
Source: Campaign War Zone Damocles – Montka
Emperor’s Spear Aerial Company Formation
Emperor’s Spear Aerial Company Formation
Restrictions: None.
Special Rules:
Formation Flight: If a Reserves Roll for a unit from this Formation is successful, you can choose to automatically pass any remaining Reserves Rolls for units from this Aerial Company in the same turn.
Low Altitude Drop: At the start of your Movement phase, you can declare that a unit from this Formation will enact a low altitude drop. If it does so it must take a difficult terrain test each time it moves over terrain that is more than 3? tall during this phase, and cannot Jink until your next Movement phase. However, until the end of the phase, units that disembark from models making a low altitude drop using the Grav Chute Insertion special rule do not scatter.
Source: Campaign War Zone Damocles – Montka
Battle Group Hammerblow Formation
Battle Group Hammerblow Formation
Restrictions: The Infantry Platoon unit must consist of a Platoon Command Squad and 2 – 5 Infantry squads. The Company command squad and all unit in the Infantry platoon must be given Chimeras as dedicated Transports.
Special Rules:
Advance and Hold: All Infantry units in Battlegroup Hammerblow have the Objective Secure and Stubborn special rules.
Close Range Fire Support: All weapons fired by Battlegroup Hammerblow’s Baneblade and Leman Russ Squadrons have the Twin-Linked special rule as long as the target unit is within 12” of another unit from this formation.
Rapid Response: Battlegroup Hammerblow units of Militarium Tempestus Scions must begin the game embarked upon the Valkyrie. Instead of making a normal reserve roll for the formation’s Valkyrie must enter from Deep Strike Reserve, and doesn’t scatter if placed within 12” of this Battlegroup’s Scout Sentinel Squadron
Source: Webstore Exclusive: Battlegroup Hammerblow
Armoured Shield Formation
Requirements: 1 Officio Prefectus Commissar, 1 Infantry Squad, 1 Lemun Russ
Restrictions: None
Special Rules:
Mobile Cover: Infantry models from this Formation that are within 6? of the Armoured Shield’s Leman Russ receive 4+ cover save.
Source: Start Collecting! Astra Militarum
Wrathful Crusade Formation
Wrathful Crusade Formation
Requirements: Celestine, Inquisitor Greyfax , 1 Captain, 0-1 Sternguard Veteran Squad, 2-4 Crusader Squads, 1-2 Assault Squads, 1 Militarum Tempestus Platoon
Restrictions: All units from Codex: Space Marines must be drawn from the Black Templars Chapter.
Special Rules: Crusader.
Collective Fanaticism: If the Wrathful Crusade contains the maximum number of units, then all units in this Formation gain the Zealot special rule.
Unbridled Fury: All units in the Wrathful Crusade can re-roll failed charge rolls. In addition, if you roll a 10 or more when determining the charge distance of a unit from the Wrathful Crusade, all models in that unit have the Furious Charge special rule for that turn.
Source: Gathering Storm Fall of Cadia
Below are any links to any buying guides, product reviews, or tactical articles related to the Astra Militarum.