Just a heads up for everyone. We got another GT this weekend in Los Angeles. I should be getting the results as they come in so look to Blood of Kittens for all the gory details. If anyone is planning on attending let me know, always looking for battle reports, pics, or links to the event.

For anyone that is curious the Broadside Bash missions will be a little different from your typical GTs. Here is good discription of the thought process that goes into making missions for this GT.

This was taken from the GT organizers forum.

Hello All,

Given the recent issues regarding the Warhammer 40k Scenarios for Broadside Bash 2010, I was asked to lend some assistance.

Attempts were made to edit, thereby streamline the original Scenarios, but it was decided the issues brought up by many players meant that these should be replaced by a new collection. http://www.broadsidebash.com/

The current 40k scenarios are designed under the criteria that they be simple, balanced, offer variety, and have degrees of victory.  These scenarios are based upon well-tested missions I have written for a campaign group over the last several years.  However, campaigns and tournaments are like comparing a pick-up game of football and an NFL game – different, not the same. Roll Eyes

Those of you familiar with Standard Missions in the rulebook will note the most unfamiliar element is that in one of the six scenarios, non-scoring units do not contest the objective (Scenario 4, Ground Control).  The reason is apparent when the game is played.  Scoring units must capture table quarters, and allowing the far off speeder to contest control resulted in far too many draws.  This is the only mission where this is the case.

Two other missions, while not completely disregarding the function of the tried-and-true tactic of contesting an objective with a well-placed Drop Pod, do not entirely deny a victory.  Scenario 2, All or Nothing and Scenario 3, Lady Luck function to adhere to the requirement of degrees of victory and so non-scoring units, while not denying the objective claim, do reduce the opponent to a minor victory if he/she is unable to remove the objective area of an opponent’s models.

Attrition lovers will notice an absence of a ‘kill point’ scenario.  I love a good old slugfest as much as the next player, but unfortunately time constraints made play testing difficult.  Designing a set of rules for such a scenario required the simple ‘kill point’ method or the slot selection method, but given the latest codices – notably Imperial Guard, Space Wolves, and Tyranids – I found detailing what constituted a ‘kill point’ a task that moved away from the criterion of simplicity.  Sorry slugfest lovers, you’ll have to shoot for a Wipeout!.  On the plus, I believe wiping out your opponent to the last whatever deserves an achievement of Massacre! in the literal sense. Evil

Having designed missions for several years now, I know the importance of feedback (some call it criticism).  I welcome such views, but do ask that any questions, concerns, recommendations, be sent to me privately – Espa.  You can email me directly at nicho043@csusm.edu if you need to send drawings.  This removes the compulsion to defensiveness as a dialogue is established, rather than worry about egos bruising because they are watching.  I will make every effort to respond within one business day.

I must ask that these correspondences keep in mind the criteria – simplicity, balance, variety, and degrees of victory.  For example, though I myself can’t stand Night Fighting, I do know there are players who would like to take advantage of Acute Senses – especially given the Space Wolves and Tyranids recent updates.  I’m sure we can all agree that one turn of it, available in only two of the six scenarios satisfies both sides.

As time is a factor with lists being finalized, I hope you understand that I require any suggestions be sent to me by 6 p.m. this Saturday, January 30th.  I encourage all to try these missions out, and help all of us find that happy medium so that we can smile as our Assault Cannon rolls a hit, 6, 5, 6 against a Land Raider. Evil

Here are the PDFs of the missions they ended up creating.







Questions for Comment:

  1. What do you think of missions?
  2. Do the missions favor one type of army over another?
  3. What do you think of knowing what the missions are before the event?