Driving home from Thanksgiving and listening to the woman of my family talk about making their yearly pilgrimage to Black Friday got me thinking about how much it would cost to buy an “optimal” army list from scratch. Which got me thinking…
What would it cost to pay full retail for say the most infamous army list around?
Here is the “Leaf Blower” IG army if you ran it for Ard’ Boyz next year and how much it would exactly cost your wallet.
HQ– 2 Company Command Squads – 3 Plasma, Medic, and Powerfist in each, mounted in Chimeras. An Astropath and a Master of the Fleet.
= $137.25
Elite– Daemonhunter Inquisitor – Terminator Armor, Psycannon, Force Weapon, and retinue (Mystics, Hierophant, Sage).
= $45.00
Psyker Battle Squad – in a Chimera
= $95
Troops– Infantry Platoon – 3 Squads in Chimeras with Heavy Weapons, Command with 4 Flamers in a Chimera
= $274
2 Special Weapons Squads – Flamers and Demo Charge, Meltaguns and Flamer.
= $49.50
2 Veteran Squads – Meltaguns and Shotguns in a Chimera. Meltaguns, Shotguns, and Demolitions.
= $119.50
Fast Attack – 2 Valkyries
= $124.00
Heavy Support — 2 Hydras
= 2 Baslisk kits + two 30 English Pounds Hydra kits which is about $99.00 + $95 = $194.00
2 Medusas
= 100 pounds which = $160.00 about
1 Manticore
= $49.50
So if you end up paying at full retail a grand total of
$1247.75 before tax or shipping!
Take a second and think about what you could get for that much money?
Also think about this one: at least 40 players at Adepticon 2010 had almost this identical army in the team and gladiator tournament.
So when you go out shopping for you or your love ones think just how much this game costs if you bought this army for little Johnny this holiday.
To put things really in perspective Leaf Blower is equal to buying 500 Ork Boyz off the GW website.