I have been remiss in providing coverage of all the events that provide free tickets to the Throne of Skulls Games Workshop held event. Anyway this week I am going to get caught up and provide a round-up of all the events that happened for the month of June.
Now for something completely recent. Over the last weekend the last Throne of Skulls event of June went off. This time we move the fun, but flat city of Omaha Nebraska! The Bugeater was a Nova 40k vent and produced quite a bit of coverage around the net, from the looks of it all was merry. Except I guess some local crazy crying about something, I really don’t know the details, but it looked pointless. Anyway Bugeater was a great success, with 44 players.
The Overall Winner was a chap by the name of Tony Staub and he played another shocker of an army…
Chaos Space Marines!
His list looks like this…
Tony Staub – Chaos Space Marines – Bugeater Winner
Even Tony calls his list a “netlist” a very old one at that, but still good to see some Chaos Space Marine love. Tony joined Dakkadakka so he could share a Battle Report of his last and deciding game of the tournament.
Tony Staub – Chaos Space Marines vs. Dark Eldar
and as for the rest of the results take a look here….
Like I said a few blogs have posted there take on the Bugeater here take a look…
The best post from the event has to be from 2centson40k with…
That takes care of the month of June coverage of Throne of Skulls events. Here is a quick Army List break down of all the winners.
Chad Clay – Dark Angels Gateway Grand Tournament – Winner
James McBeath – Space Marines – Astronomi-Con Toronto Winner
Tony Staub – Chaos Space Marines – Bugeater Winner
Notice something interesting? Yeah no Imperial Guard or Space Wolves? What about Grey Knights? Well this might all change next week when I head to Austin for WargamesCon for the biggest 40k Event of the summer.
As always check out Blood of Kittens event calender at…
BoK Events