It was a tough year for any blog to catch my eye, but a few did. I have to say that with the fatigue of 5th ed settling in and difficulty of people to keep updating their blogs it is becoming harder and harder to find good ones these days.






The Best Blog that should have won IHOP Idol

I found this blog months before the IHOP Idol contest and fell in love. If you ever wanted a blog that is well written, enjoys whimsy, and is married to the forces of Chaos this is the blog from you. With Haiku Thursday and the Sunday’s Best as the anchors for this little blog, I’m amazed that more people hasn’t discovered it. If only Hotpanda would post more I think he could easily rise higher in the ranks of Deamon Princes, maybe being Canadian his holding him back…

Best of Blog for people who enjoys poking fun at the GW’s corporate ineptitude.

This is one blog easily fly under most folks radars. It is like most 40k blogs with a little hobby, a little tourney, and a little meta thrown all together, but they discusses Games Workshop corporate ineptitude the blog becomes spectacular. It doesn’t hurt that GW “shout outs” are written by someone who actually deals with large corporations all the time. With the best post of the year being this Onion inspired Christmas treat…

Best blog you should have started following like three years ago.

This blog has been around for a long time. From Barter Bucket, Honor Roll, hobby tutorials, to charities Santa Cruz Warhammer blog is a template for anyone wanting to build a wargaming community anywhere. With a focus on Warhammer inspired charities Santa Cruz Warhammer is also a great spot to help would be wargamers in need.

Best blog for those wanting a BoLS alternative blog

Remember when you only went to BoLS for rumors? After they stopped publishing amazing narrative content, but before they dove head first into the competitive kiddy pool for comment count hunting? You know that 6 months or so? Anyway, Faeit 212 does rumors and anything you didn’t want wasting time navigating the GW website for. Natfa started out small, but has now become one of few places people can go for rumors without having to be lashed to submission by 100s of posts and threads on old fashion forums. If Natfa can keep the focused on news and rumors and not get distracted by real life he just might corner the rumor market.

So those are the blogs I been loving this year, what blogs have you been blogging to for 2011?