I was going to talk about the Bay Area Open today, but I got a something in the email that was just too amazing not to share.

It is a musical mash-up courtesy of the always clever Screaming Heretic Podcast. Before I get to the parody let me bring you up to speed on the song being lampooned. This is important because I don’t think anyone that doesn’t know 14 year old girls or has a gay relative would have heard of this artist. Well of course she is smoking hot so I guess the neck beard wargaming majority might know of her.

Ke$ha is what someone would call a naughty Britney Spears if that is even possible, with her auto-tuned vocals and 80s iconography. Well anyway this song should give you an idea…


regardless if this music is your kind of thing having Dawson mounted on a wall should gain some respect?

Anyway on to Screaming Heretic version of the song…



After a listen you have to admit its brilliant 🙂