Having just wrote about my recent Dark Angel adventures, it is now time to take them out for a spin. I am taking a trip from sunny San Francisco to the Bulldog territory of Spokane Washington, where I will attend the 3rd annual Storm of Silence! This 50+ two-day ITC Tournament hosted by Gamer’s Haven will feature some of the best players from the Pacific Northwest.

Here is the list I am taking up.

Dark Angel Storm of Silence List

As my first tournament with Dark Angels, I am going to set expectations low. I am looking to go 2-2-1. The format for the event is close to the standard ITC format, some notable differences like un-nerfed Invisibility and 2+ re-rolls. The New and Old Eldar both allowed. The invisibility change will help my army, but taking everything together I see Eldar easily running away with this event if they show up.

The missions are similar to the ITC as well.

Storm of Silence Mission Primer

Looking at the missions and my list, I see Mission 1 & Mission 5 being big problems for me, otherwise my army is designed to hold objectives while denying my opponent’s theirs. I tend to create lists that don’t have any Fast Attack or Heavy Support, so I usually take advantage of missions that award Victory Points for killing them.

The Storm of Silence also requires some semblance of a painted army. I been playing with mostly black primer for the last few months to make sure I was going to stick with Dark Angels. I took the last two weeks to get the army up to minimal standards. I still have a lot of work to get done, but I think the following quick pics show where I am heading.



I hope to do some tournament coverage while I am not playing, regardless how I do I will at least get the top 3 lists and post my impressions of new Eldar if enough people end up playing them.


Tits for Tournaments is rated factually opinionated. Expect results, army lists, and some light bitching about boring spam lists to follow.