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BoK Reviews: White Dwarf Issue #98

White Dwarf Issue #98: The Lords of Sorcery

White Dwarf reviews operate differently than other Blood of Kittens Reviews. The goal with these reviews is to place a value for each issue. The rating system is one to four stars, each star represents $1 in value, to a max of four dollars. The review values are also Warhammer 40k based; Age of Sigmar dedicated issues will still be reviewed, but valued for Warhammer 40k players. It means you could see many low valued issues, with a general Games Workshop hobbyist actually valuing them more. Keep this in mind when deciding if a particular White Dwarf Issue is good for you.

Contents: New Releases

Continuing the trend of very little new for Warhammer fans, is the release of the Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch. This model from Age of Sigmar is exciting because it is easily accessible for any Warhammer 40k game. Unlike Skarbrand, the Guant Summoner will actually get some use for many players. The only other release for this week is a novel Call of Archaon and the lucky to sell one copy Limited edition.

Contents: Paint Splatter

Paint splatter is a tutorial for painting the Guant Summoner in the GW studio scheme. The color recipe for the eye flesh and Guant skin are the applicable to other models and armies.

Contents: Clash of Titans

The clash of titans is a scenario plucked directly from the new Battletome: Everchosen, so this content isn’t anything new and plays out like a mini-battle report and advertisement for the Battletome.

Contents: ‘Eavy Metal

This edition of ‘Eavy Metal is a showcase for two models by Steve Party and Maxime Corbell. One is a Skaven Warlord and the other is a Skitarii Ranger, both are spectacular. The blues and the checkered gray banner on the Skaven is impressive, the Skitarii though has a level of detail that is really noticeable if you look closely.

What is GW saying?

Released Dec.12th 2015

White Dwarf 98 arrives like a book of secrets – and upon its forbidden pages, the Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch! Who is this willowy wizard of wicked power? As ever, White Dwarf provides all manner of forbidden knowledge, including a full painting guide and warscroll. Elsewhere, we have a brutal confrontation between no lesser beings than the Everchosen and the Supreme Lord of the Undead, ’Eavy Metal (creatures of near god-like power themselves, of course), a look at one of the very finest entries from Golden Demon: Tanks, and the concluding part of our massive, all-encompassing guide to the Black Library’s Horus Heresy series. How on earth did we fit all this in? Magic. Summon one up now

Webstore Link

Contents: Golden Demon Tanks

Gold winner Qianwie Shi talks about his amazing “Tank Orkshop”. The model uses a Grot tank and a six different Gretchin to produce a delightfully playful diorama. The layers of greens and yellow easily demonstrates why Qianwie won the award.


Contents: The Horus Heresy

White Dwarf continues its introduction to the Horus Heresy novels. We get more novel flow charts showing Corax’s story, Shadow Crusade, Vulkan’s path, and a few more story threads. If you have both WD97 & 98 you will be well prepared to jump right into the Horus Heresy story. You have to wonder why pray tell though has GW spent so much time informing hobbyists about the Horus Heresy…


Contents: Warscrolls

Here is the Age of Sigmar rules for the Guant Summoner of Tzeentch.

Contents: The Week In…

The week in useless information goes all in with Tzeentch with some information about Tzeentch Sorcerers.

Next Issue Hint: An Exclusive Mission For the Horus Heresy: Betrayal of Calth

Final Verdict

Issue #98 is pretty much the same as the last issue. You start to get the sense GW doesn’t have much to write in December and are filling the pages with more than usual advertisements for products. The Horus Heresy resource pages are fantastic and at least worth something.

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