Games Workshop Market Watch for November 2018

by | Dec 3, 2018

Watching stocks over the short-term is often an experiment in futility; on November 1st 2018 we looked back at the state of Games Workshop’s stock and financial health today we do the same…

November proved acted more like typical October with volatility taking over the globe. We had everything with trade wars, elections, more Brexit drama, and tons of earnings reports. As for Games Workshop, investors had fully digested the cryptic CEO message from October which still left left many scratching their heads. 

With all that, lets see how Games Workshop performed over the month of November. 

For most of November Games Workshop was losing ground, and strangely enough the slide can be timed to all the major Brexit negotiation announcements throughout November.

Here is how the stock is doing year to date.


Stock is till down from September highs, but with typically good holiday results their is little chance the stock will end below where it was for the start of the year. Games Workshop won’t though see doubling results it has experienced over the last couple years, which all goes to say Games Workshop might be reaching the upper limits for a company of its size and scope.

As for investor news, Games Workshop had a quiet month with some stocks changing hands, with one little oddity happing as Kevin Roundtree CEO sold some stock to buy a new house!

Total voting rights

Holdings in Company

Director shareholding