Games Workshop Market Watch for October 2019
Watching stocks over the short-term is often an experiment in futility; on October 1st 2019 we looked back at the state of Games Workshop’s stock and financial health, today we do the same…
October (stop me if this sounds like a broken record) saw more fun in the United Kingdom as politicians just can’t Brexit. With it now finally looking like one way or another the national nightmare will end sometime in January, thanks to a Snap Election coming just in time for Christmas. As is such volatility plagued the United Kingdom, and Games Workshop by proxy, as the country teeters on a Recession.
So with that wonderful backdrop how did Games Workshop do for the month of October 2019?
Games Workshop stock fell 300 points or over 6%, a lot of this could have been profit taking with the September dividend and United Kingdom future uncertainty playing a part.
Throwing this into the year to date chart below you can see Games Workshop is still over 35%.
Games Workshop had no investor news in October, making for a quiet month. This though is a good time as any to put Games Workshop in some perspective, and show just how amazing the company has been over the last five years. The article below gives some eye popping numbers.
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