In the Time of Covid, actual Warhammer 40k Tournament Results!
8th edition is a land of changes, so with every new month comes new codexes, FAQs, and rules. Whenever you look at an army list keep in mind how quickly the game can change. In other words, a legal army today may become illegal tomorrow, along with events using special rules and/or restrictions.
If I had to write the novel about the first American Warhammer 40k 2-day tournament to be held during a pandemic, I couldn’t think of better location than the Alamo GT in Texas! How truly American is that; open carry to shoot that virus dead if it gets within six feet!
Regardless how you feel about the current state of affairs, the Alamo GT went on, which is normally a 80 person Major event, which only mustered 28 players tough enough to make it, just squeaking in for the GT level. Even though on the day of the event they were at 26 players, but maybe they pulled some players from uncounted Covid deaths to get that GT status.
Since it was such a strange time to have an event, it was pretty clear just from looking at the list of players who was mostly likely going to win, and that was Colin McDade, and he did by ONE battle point over his “teammate” Charles Velazquez. Colin McDade also got what looks to be really lucky, in his round five match, seemingly playing down a few, when he should have played another one of his “teammates”, who shockingly went on to get 3rd place!
Colin also would not have been put in such a great position if it wasn’t for the totally plausible 29/29 tie game against “teammate” Charles Velazquez in round 4. I always find it amazing that high ties seem to happen between “teammates” in critical rounds, somehow making things line up perfectly for easier final matches…
Thanks to the scores and pairings, this lead to “Team Texas “taking all top 3 spots, which is another fitting part of this tournament live from a Pandemic!
Anyway I am sure you are just here for the Top 3 army lists, so let’s get to them!
As you can see not much in the meta has changed, Grey Knights continue to rise, along with a Possessed bomb, and coming in 3rd some Chaos Knights. I just have to wonder how legit we should take this event considering all the circumstances surrounding it.
Finally, if you have not already heard, I have restarted the BoK Youtube channel and I have a few fun new history based videos up already!
Please check them out, like and subscribe!
If you want to see more lists separated by army/codex check out the new 8th Edition Top Army List Compendium.
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