Games Workshop Market Watch June 2020

by | Jul 7, 2020

Watching stocks over the short-term is often an experiment in futility; on June 6th 2020 we looked back at the state of Games Workshop’s stock and financial health, and today we do the same…

June 2020 might go down as the month the World let down its guard down when it came to the pandemic, or it could just be the month USA gave up, either way Global stocks did the best job recovering almost completely from horrible first half of the year. Games Workshop stock was no different, and they even commented about it. 

Here is what the month of June 2020 looked for Games Workshop.


The stock was slightly up, oddly enough Games Workshop announced better than expected rebound from quarantine, but that caused more profit taking instead of the stock rising as times before. Here is how Games Workshop stock looks for the year to day, see below.


The Games Workshop is well above the all time highs from February,, but stabilizing over the last month. The launch of 9th edition will certainly play a big part in how the stock performs going forward, as well any Covid spikes across the world. Still, Games Workshop is miraculously in a great stock position going into the more important 3rd and 4th quarters. 

Games Workshop had a some investment news in June, see below.

Trading update on close of financial year ended 31 May 2020

Holding(s) in Company

Total Voting Rights