Games Workshop Market Watch August 2020

by | Sep 1, 2020

Watching stocks over the short-term is often an experiment in futility; on August 8th 2020 we looked back at the state of Games Workshop’s stock and financial health, and today we do the same…

August 2020 was a continuation of the horrible numbness of a Pandemic that just won’t quit, as counties who we once thought had things under control got a little out of control. Though don’t tell that to stock markets around the world as the rebound continued unabated. How would Games Workshop react to the one full month since the release of Warhammer 40k 9th edition and ever present uncertainty?

Here is what the month of August 2020 can tell us about Games Workshop ability to shrug of any news.

As you can see the month was bit up and down, but the broken record of Games Workshop ending the month higher continued, gaining another 5%

Plugging August into the year to date numbers and we get this…

The stock is an astonishing almostĀ  +40% for the year, this rise I can’t see fading until Games Workshop has to report some actual numbers at the end of the year. That will ultimately be the big “what if” with how retail stocks react to a pandemic filled holiday season.

Games Workshop had some boring investment news for August 2020, shares moving around within the company.

Total Voting Rights

Director shareholding

Holding(s) in Company