Games Workshop Market Watch January 2021
Watching stocks over the short-term is often an experiment in futility; on January 6th 2021 we looked back at the state of Games Workshop’s stock and financial health, and today we do the same…
A New Year new us! 2021 got off to a crazy political start bookend by two wildly different coup attempts. As for the stock market, investors we continued a pattern since the start of the pandemic of rotating crash and recovery.With stock usually ending up higher by the end. This month was a bit different as the Internet decided to take matters into its own hands and fight the Hedge Funds, and this had an effect on a lot of all retail stocks. Oh and lets not forget, this was also the first month of the post Brexit world.
So take a look at how Games Workshop’s stock took all this political and market upheaval for January 2021.
As you can see for the first time in a long time Games Workshop stock was actually down for once in a month. Well one big factor to downturn is the release of the Half Year Report,which showed Games Workshop hitting targets and doing smashing business, but this also meant it was time for some profit taking. The report also showed while Games Workshop had produced 30% more products from the previous year, all the while still facing supply chain issues that have plagued them since the start of the Covid to today. Output though should increase even more as Games Workshop gets a second factory up and running by the end of spring. It will really be battle between supply chain and production spending on how covid and brexit become farther and farther in the rear view mirror.
As for the other investment news in January 2021 see the links below…
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