Author: Mighty

2000 point Black Templar list

Hey guys, Mighty here I know it has been awhile but I am back! I have been working on Black templar a lot lately putting my Carcharodons on hold for...

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2000 point Black Templar list

Hey guys, Mighty here I know it has been awhile but I am back! I have been working on Black templar a lot lately putting my Carcharodons on hold for...

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It Finally Came!

Hey guys Mighty here! And guess what? My Forge World order finally came in the mall today! Woohoo! I was so excitied I rushed up to my room and tore […]

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It Finally Came!

Hey guys Mighty here! And guess what? My Forge World order finally came in the mall today! Woohoo! I was so excitied I rushed up to my room and tore...

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It Finally Came!

Hey guys Mighty here! And guess what? My Forge World order finally came in the mall today! Woohoo! I was so excitied I rushed up to my room and tore […]

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