Author: fluger

Ork Defense Force: Deployment Part Deux

Sorry about the long delay on finishing up this bit of tactica.  Been in the midst of painting my Orks up to a really good standard (instead of 3 color minimum!) and, wouldn’t know, painting 150ish models with an eye...

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Ork Defense Force: Deployments

So, as pointed out earlier; I failed to go over a major factor in how to play a balanced Ork army against the main army archetypes; namely deployments. This was a glaring error on my part because it is crucial to tactics for the...

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Ork Defense Force: Versus Assaulty Infantry

Well, continuing on the journey of trying to come up with some basic ground rules and ideas for how to use a balanced Ork force against a variety of army types.  I’ve now come to the last archetype:  Assaulty Infantry....

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Ork Defense Force: Those without a Ride

Following up my last post; I hadn’t thought people would be too keen on Orks vs Infantry tactics; but it looks like I was wrong! Infantry-heavy lists are; more or less; a thing that most Internet talking heads say to stay...

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Ork Defense Force: Strategizing Orks

It occurs to me as I put fingertip to keyboard that my ideas for how to use Orks is very much situational.  Given a battlefield snapshot, I could reasonably deduce what needs to be done at that moment and get ‘er done; but...

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