Author: fluger

Ork Defense Force: ‘Ard Stuf

Ahhh, the Heavy Support slots!  Almost always my favorite part of any codex.  When I think of 40k, the idea of big tanks and hard-hitting units are what I think of, and this is where we find them. There’s a lot of variety...

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Ork Defense Force: Red unz go Fasta

The Fast Attack part of the Ork codex is one of the places I see it being weaker than some other ‘dexes.  There are two options here that I think are tremendous, and two that I think are sub-par, or at least they’ve...

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Ork Defense Force: Da Boyz

So, now we’ve come to the troops section of the Ork codex.  Sadly, it only has two options (outside HQ choices) unlike the other sections of the dex that are chock full of choices.  But I’m not sweating it; as there...

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