Author: fluger

Ork Defensive Force: Da Best Boyz!

Continuing on in my review of the Ork codex in an attempt to rile imaginations and inspire lists, I am on to the Elites section of the dex. While I’m of the opinion that the majority of the units in the dex range from...

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Ork Defense Force: Da Bosses!

I figured I’d do a bit more comprehensive review of the whole Ork Codex and maybe bat some ideas about how to use some of these units about and share success and fail stories. Where do you start when you’re reviewing...

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Ork Defense Force: AV 14 Why Orks Don’t Care

I mentioned in my last post about how AV14 is a complete Red Herring in regards to how Orks play, so I thought I’d talk about that this time. First off, its fairly obvious that Orks have an issue dealing with AV14 with...

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Ork Defense Force: Introduction

Blood of Kittens has decided that the Ork hatred currently populating much of the 40k interwebs must be challenged. So it isĀ our great pleasure to introduce a new segment called the Ork Defense Force: its job is to defend...

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