Author: TastyTaste

40k Douche Bag: 40k Mission Book

If you have been living under a rock today you might not of noticed the new advance order for the new Mission Book are up. I had hopes and dreams of 30 missions that ANYONE and ANY army could play. In this dream I believed that...

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40k Video Question: 2-6-10

I made this particular rambling video all in one take. So enjoy some more shaky cam goodness and me repeating myself for 1 min! httpv://

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40k Buying Guide: Orks

Only 5 years ago you could spend $200 bucks and have a ready-made 1500 point army. Sadly those days are long gone. Now it takes a magical mathematical feat just to get 1000 points for $200 bucks, especially if are buying retail....

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Indy GT Circuit: Gottacon

Reminder for everyone, the next 40k GT is coming up a week from this Saturday. If you plan on attending let me know! I would love Battle Reports and results. I talked to the organizers and they have pledged to give me results,...

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