Author: TastyTaste

40k Road Trip: Seattle Conquest GT 2010

It is finally upon us! The start of the Games Workshop 40k Indy GT circuit. We now embark on the year and half experiment as GW hands over the keys to the our community across North America to decide the best 40k players. It is...

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40k Buying Guide: Vanilla Marines

Only 5 years ago you could spend $200 bucks and have a ready-made 1500 point army. Sadly those days are long gone. Now it takes a magical mathematical feat just to get 1000 points for $200 bucks, especially if are buying retail....

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Best of 40k Internet: Dear Diary…

As I scour the universe for good 40k fan fiction it usually is a waste of time. Then it magically finds its way to my screen and I rejoice. Here is one such sample of fan fiction done right and happens to be funny. As a warning...

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40k Douche Bag: All the Rage

There is no nerd rage better than rage directed at a harbinger of rage. It also restores my faith in gamers for their ability to call out bullshit. No matter how much brainwashing you attempt shit can still stink. There is a...

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It’s like Tactics: Wierdboyz

What is the only melta weapon in the game that is Str 10 and has an 18″ double pen range?  The same weapon that also hits automatically. You would think that the Tau or IG would have such a weapon. You would be wrong! Such...

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