Author: TastyTaste

Best of 40k 2009: The Paint Jobs

Today we look at Blood of Kittens picks for paint jobs of the year. These are some the winners from various Games Day’s across the world that spilled the right amount blood for the Blood God! Marco Schulze with this epic...

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Best of 40k 2009: The Army Lists

Today we look at Blood of Kittens picks for best army lists of the year. These are armies that actually won something and weren’t just random net lists totally based on some parallel mathhammer universe. Big Waagh Best...

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Best of 40k 2009: The Blogs

This is a first in a series of best of the best for the year in 40k. Here are Blood of Kittens’s picks for the best Blogs of 2009. Kantor Base is one of the blogs that has no agenda. Simply, Kantor Base is the extension of...

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It’s like Tactics: Eldrad

40k Word Association, where we take four opinionated players from the across the country and pick their brains to tackle current 40k topics. First up is Miggidy Mack, host of the great weekly Podcast Dice Like Thunder This is a...

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Best of 40k Internet: Cheap Gaming Table

If you are not happy with playing on the floor or on a ping-pong table then here is a solution for you! It will require a little bit of work on your part. So if you have no opposable thumbs skill, find a friend because nothing...

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