Author: TastyTaste

Bile Episode 3: Getting My Hands Dirty

Episode 3: Shorty after leaving the outer planet I got a communiqué from Darius, his arrival was imminent. Typhus dropped me off at the orbital station and I waited for Darius. The Iron Hands are one of the more punctual of the...

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Bile Episode 2: Bile Filled Road

Episode: 2 After arriving at the station, I received a coded message from Darius that his cruiser was going to be late, having to navigate around a small warp storm. I was filled with disappointment at the thought of being stuck...

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Bile Episode 1: 99 Luftballoons

Welcome everyone, as your embedded war corespondent Fabius Bile, here to report the truth as it is presented: dirty syringe and all. I have been able to wiggle my way into an Adeptus Astartes chapter under the direction of Forge...

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Bile Episode 0: Gone Fishin

I want to let everyone know that I am going on vacation for about ten days. I do not know if I will have time to make any posts. Not to worry, I have been able to get a very special guest contributor to my blog. Many of you know...

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40k Douche Bag: The Madness of King Elessar

Imagine for a second Stelek is Bill O’Reilly or Keith Olbermann; loud, opinionated, and egotistical, but from time to time can make some sense. Hold that imagine, then picture Glenn Beck; bloated, paranoid, and speaks...

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