Author: TastyTaste

What pretty rumors you have…

Hot off the Warseer/BoLS presses we got Space Wolf  rumors. I will use the creepy beauty of mimes to express my feelings about these rumors. Space Wolves Rumors...

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It’s like Tactics: A Profile in Sonic Bliss

A few years ago I started thinking about making another CSM army, at first I was drawn to Tzeench, because I thought AP 3 bolters of the Thousand Sons were killer. Then on a whim I put a squad of Noise Marines in a pick up game...

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Meat for Meta: Respect your elder.

Over at BoLS poster Bigred is retiring his old school IG army. Why would he do such a thing? Well he thinks his old models do not work anymore and he is getting tired of kids telling him that they are not GW. Which I think are...

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