Author: TastyTaste

Baltimore Games Day 09

All the way in Maryland, Games Workshop little shindig known as Games Day was held in Baltimore last week. It is a chance for GW and fans to get together and embrace their love for all things Warhammer. This year was no...

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Meat for Meta: Just what we need…

It has been brewing for a bit now, rumors of a new race for Warhammer Fantasy or Warhammer 40k. Word has it that development has just started, so we are looking at least a 3 year process. With that in mind, I image the release...

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Best of 40k Internet: Terrain of the Gods

What I am about to post is almost two years old, but worth reliving. I am talking about an epic display of craftsmanship by 40k nerds par excellence. A whole city scape for all your toys. Only people that would be stuck under...

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It’s like Tactics: Picking the right Bandmates

With part one we got an overview of Noise Marines, now we move on to squad builds. Currently there is a lot of redundancy in competitive lists; tried and true units with no variation, configurations repeated, because they have...

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Rumor + Rumor = Dark Eldar Goodies?

So I was doing what I do; surfing the high seas of Warhammer 40k forums and watching pron, I came across two rumors that when formed like Voltron might equal truth. As we know from Warseer and BoLS there is a fluffy reference in...

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