Imperial Knights 8th Edition

Codex Imperial Knights 8th edition was released on 06-11-18

Unit points throughout Time

Imperial Knights

Unit NameBattlefield RoleIndexForge WorldCodexChapter Approved 2017Errata 2018Chapter Approved 2018Errata 2019Chapter Approved 2019
Knight CrusaderLord of War320-285-----
Knight ErrantLord of War320-285-----
Knight GallantLord of War320-285----305
Knight PaladinLord of War320-285-----
Knight WardenLord of War320-285-----
Armiger HelverinLord of War--170----155
Armiger WarglavieLord of War100-160----145
Knight CastellanLord of War241-510-----
Knight PreceptorLord of War--385----340
Knight ValiantLord of War--500-----
Sacristan ForgeshrineFortification--80-----
Canis RezLord of War--450----400
Cerastus Knight-AcheronLord of War-358------
Cerastus Knight-AtroposLord of War-405------
Cerastus Knight-CastigatorLord of War-350------
Cerastus Knight-LancerLord of War-420---360--
Questoris Knight MagaeraLord of War-440---380--
Questoris Knight StyrixLord of War-340------
Acastus Knight PorphyrionLord of War-540-600-600--
Unit NameBattlefield RoleIndexForge WorldCodexChapter Approved 2017Errata 2018Chapter Approved 2018Errata 2019Chapter Approved 2019

Imperial Knights Special Rules

Questor Allegiance: All Imperial Knights owe allegiance to either the Imperium of Man or the Machine Cult of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Even Freeblades, who no longer belong to a Noble house, maintain the oath of allegiance they swore long ago. Imperial Knights datasheets have the <QUESTOR ALLEGIANCE> keyword. When you include such a unit in your army, you must nominate whether that unit owes its allegiance to the Imperium or the Adeptus Mechanicus. If the former, then you replace the <QUESTOR ALLEGIANCE> keyword in every instance on that unit’s datasheet with QUESTOR IMPERIALIS; if the latter, you replace the <QUESTOR ALLEGIANCE> keyword in every instance on that unit’s datasheet with QUESTOR MECHANICUS. For example, if you were to include a Knight Preceptor in your army, and you decided it owed allegiance to the Adeptus Mechanicus, its <QUESTOR ALLEGIANCE> keyword is changed to QUESTOR MECHANICUS.

Household:With the exception of Freeblades, all Imperial Knights belong to a Noble household. Imperial Knights datasheets have the <HOUSEHOLD> keyword. When you include such a unit in your army, you must nominate which household that unit is from (unless it is a Freeblade, as described opposite). You then simply replace the <HOUSEHOLD> keyword in every instance on that unit’s datasheet with the name of your chosen household. If the unit has the QUESTOR IMPERIALIS keyword, it must come from a household that owes allegiance to the Imperium; if the unit has the QUESTOR MECHANICUS keyword, it must come from a household that owes allegiance to the Adeptus Mechanicus. You can use any of the Noble households that you have read about, or you can make up your own. For example, if you were to include a Knight Preceptor in your army that has the QUESTOR MECHANICUS keyword, you could then decide it was from House Raven. Its <HOUSEHOLD> keyword is then changed to HOUSE RAVEN, and its ‘Mentor’ ability would say ‘Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for friendly HOUSE RAVEN ARMIGER CLASS units within 6″ of this model.’ You can instead nominate any Imperial Knight to be a Freeblade, regardless of whether it owes allegiance to the Imperium or the Adeptus Mechanicus. If you do so, replace the <HOUSEHOLD> keyword in every instance on that unit’s datasheet with the FREEBLADE keyword.

Knight Lances: If your army is Battle-forged, select one model in each IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Super-heavy Detachment in your army. Each model you selected gains the CHARACTER keyword.

Household Tradtions: If your army is Battle-forged, all units in an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Super-heavy Detachment (other than FREEBLADE units) must be from the same Household, but they will all gain a Household Tradition (with the exception of FREEBLADE units, detailed opposite). The Household Tradition gained depends upon the household they are drawn from, as shown on the page opposite. For example, HOUSE TERRYN units with the Household Traditions ability gain the Gallant Warriors tradition. If you have chosen a QUESTOR IMPERIALIS household that does not have an associated Household Tradition, you can choose the Questor Imperialis Household Tradition that best describes the character and fighting style of your knightly house. Similarly, if you have chosen a QUESTOR MECHANICUS household that does not have an associated Household Tradition, you can choose the Questor Mechanicus Household Tradition that best describes the character and fighting style of your knightly house.

Freeblades: The inclusion of a FREEBLADE unit in an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Detachment does not prevent other units in that Detachment from gaining a Household Tradition. However, FREEBLADE units can never themselves benefit from a Household Tradition.

Imperial Knights owe their allegiance to either the Imperium of Man or the Machine Cult of the Adeptus Mechanicus. This is represented by the <QUESTOR ALLEGIANCE> keyword, as described in Codex: Imperial Knights.

Questor Mechanicus Sacristan Pledge: At the start of your turn, a model with this Questor Allegiance Oath regains 1 lost wound.

Questor Imperialis Vow of Honour: Add 1 to Advance and charge rolls made for a model with this Questor Allegiance Oath. This is not cumulative with any other modifiers (e.g. Landstrider).

Questor Traditions

House Terryn Gallant Warriors: When determining the distance that a unit with this Household Tradition Advances or charges, roll an additional D6 and discard the lowest result.

House Griffith Glory of the Charge: Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of a model with this Household Tradition during any turn in which it charged or performed a Heroic Intervention. In addition, a model with this Household Tradition can perform Heroic Interventions as if it were a CHARACTER.

House Hawkshroud Oathkeepers: Models with this Household Tradition double the number of wounds they have remaining for the purposes of determining what characteristics to use on their damage table.

House Cadmus Hunters of the Foe:Re-roll wound rolls of 1 in the Fight phase for attacks made by models with this Household Tradition against units which only contain models with a Wounds characteristic of 12 or less.

House Mortan Close-Quarters Killers: Add l to hit rolls in the Fight phase for attacks made by a model with this Household Tradition during any turn in which it charged, was charged, or performed a Heroic Intervention.

Questor Mechanicus

House Raven Relentless Advance: Models with this Household Tradition do not suffer the penalties to their hit rolls for Advancing and firing Assault weapons. Furthermore, during a turn in which a unit with this Household Tradition Advances, all of its Heavy weapons are treated as Assault weapons (e.g. a Heavy 3 weapon is treated as an Assault 3 weapon).

House Taranis Omnissiah’s Grace: Roll a dice each time a model with this Household Tradition loses a wound, unless that wound was lost as the result of a mortal wound; on a 6 the wound being rolled for is not lost.

House Hawkshroud Oathkeepers: Models with this Household Tradition double the number of wounds they have remaining for the purposes of determining what characteristics to use on their damage table.

House Krast Cold Fury: You can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for a model with this Household Tradition during any turn in which it charged, was charged, or performed a Heroic Intervention. In addition, you can re-roll all failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for a model with this Household Tradition against TITANIC units.

House Vulkar Firestorm Protocols: Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for a model with this Household Tradition whenever you are resolving an attack with a ranged weapon that is targeting the closest enemy unit.

Household Traditions

With the exception of Freeblades, all Imperial Knights belong to a household. This is represented by the <HOUSEHOLD> keyword as described in Codex: Imperial Knights. If you have chosen an Imperial Knights household that does not have a Household Tradition, or you have created your own Imperial Knights household, the rules presented over the following pages allow you to create your own Household Tradition for your Imperial Knights household. If your army is Battle-forged, all units in an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Super-heavy Detachment (other than FREEBLADE units) must be from the same household, but they will gain a Household Tradition (with the exception of FREEBLADE units). If your chosen household does not have an associated Household Tradition in Codex: Imperial Knights, you can create one by selecting two abilities from the list presented here. Note that these rules are available to both QUESTOR IMPERIALIS and QUESTOR MECHANICUS households, and the usual rules for Household Traditions still apply with the following additions: All units in an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Super-heavy Detachment (other than FREEBLADE units) must have the same <QUESTOR ALLEGIANCE>. Any rules marked with an asterisk (*) count as two selections.

Aggressive Persecution: When a model with this tradition fires Overwatch or is chosen to shoot or fight with, you can re-roll a single dice when determining damage as a result of those attacks.

Blessed Arms: Add 6″ to the maximum Range characteristic of ranged weapons a model with this tradition is equipped with that have an unmodified Range characteristic of 24″ or more. Add 2″ to the maximum Range characteristic of all other ranged weapons a model with this tradition is equipped with.

Glorified History: When a model with this tradition fires Overwatch or is chosen to shoot or fight with, you can re-roll a single hit roll made for that model.

Shattered Empire Stalkers*: When resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against a model with this tradition by a model that is more than 24″ away, it is treated as having the benefit of cover to its saving throw.

Unremitting*: When a model with this tradition fires Overwatch or is chosen to shoot with, you can re-roll a single dice when determining the number of attacks that model makes when attacking with a weapon that has a random number of attacks (e.g. Heavy D6).

Slayers of Beasts: When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon (excluding titanic feet) by a model with this tradition against a VEHICLE or MONSTER unit, add 1 to the hit roll.

Hunters of the Unseen*: When resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon by a model with this tradition, the target does not receive the benefit of cover to its saving throw.

Defiant Fury: Whilst a model with this tradition has lost half or more of its wounds, increase its Attacks characteristic by 1. When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model with this tradition that has lost half or more of its wounds, add 1 to the hit roll.

Stormstriders: Add 1″ to the Move characteristic of a model with this tradition and always use the top row of its damage table when determining its Move characteristic, regardless of how many wounds it has left.

Hounds of War: An ARMIGER CLASS model with this tradition can either shoot or charge in a turn in which it Fell Back. If it shoots, when resolving an attack made by that model in the Shooting phase of that turn, subtract 1 from the hit roll.

Noble Combatants: When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon (excluding titanic feet) by a model with this tradition, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.

Exacting Charge: If a model with this tradition makes a charge move, is charged or performs a Heroic Intervention, the Armour Penetration characteristic of melee weapons that model is equipped with (excluding titanic feet) is improved by 1 until the end of the turn (e.g. AP 0 becomes AP -1).

Honoured Sacristans*: When resolving an attack made with a weapon that has an Armour Penetration characteristic of -1 against a model with this tradition, that weapon is treated as having an Armour Penetration characteristic of 0.

Survivors of Strife*: Add 1 to the Wounds characteristic of ARMIGER CLASS models with this tradition. Add 2 to the Wounds characteristic of all other models with this tradition.

Pains of the Old Night*: When resolving an attack made by a model with this tradition against a PSYKER or DAEMON unit, re-roll a wound roll of 1.

Machine Focus*: When resolving an attack made by a model with this tradition that is subject to any negative hit roll modifiers, add 1 to the hit roll.

Guardians of the Frontier: Whilst a model with this tradition is within 1″ of any enemy units that contain 11 or more models, increase its Attacks characteristic by 1.

Front-line Fighters: When resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon by a model with this tradition against a unit within 12″, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that weapon by 1 for that attack (e.g. AP 0 becomes AP -1).

Steel-Sinewed Aim: Models with this tradition do not suffer the penalties to their hit rolls for Advancing and shooting Assault weapons.

Sanctified Armour: When a model with this tradition would lose a wound in the Psychic phase, roll one D6; on a 5+ that wound is not lost.

Imperial Knights Stratagems

As of 06-09-2020 Imperial Knights Stratagems groups are…

  • Universal Stratagems
  • Imperial Knights Stratagems
  • Household Stratagems
  • Engine War Stratagems

(See tabs for details)  

  As of 08-18-2017 Universal Stratagems are…

Command Re-Roll: 1 CP

You can re-roll any single dice.

Counter-Offensive: 2 CP

Used right after an enemy unit that charged has fought. Select one of your own eligible units and fight with it next.

Insane Bravery: 2 CP

You can automatically pass a single Morale test and must be used before taking the test.

Prepared Positions: 2 CP

At the start of the first battle round, before the first turn begins. Until the end of the first turn, all units from your army that are wholly within your Deployment Zone, other than Titanic units, receive the benefit of cover, even while they are are not entirely on or in a terrain feature. A unit that is already receiving the benefit of cover gains no additional benefit from this Stratagem. 

If your army is Battle-forged and includes any IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Detachments, you have access to the Stratagems shown below, meaning you can spend Command Points to activate them. These help to reflect the unique tactics and strategies used by the Imperial Knights on the battlefield. Some of the Stratagems listed here are unique to specific knightly houses.

Ion Aegis: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem at the start of your opponent’s Movement phase. Choose a DOMINUS CLASS unit from your army. That unit cannot move until the end of its next turn for any reason, but until the start of your next turn, friendly IMPERIUM units have a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged weapons whilst they are wholly within 6″ of that unit.

Noble Sacrifice: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem before rolling to see if an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS model from your army explodes. If it is an ARMIGER CLASS or QUESTORIS CLASS model, it explodes on a roll of 4+. If it is a DOMINUS CLASS model, it explodes if either roll is 4+; if both rolls are 4+ then all units within 3D6″ are affected.

Thunderstomp: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem immediately after fighting with a TITANIC IMPERIAL KNIGHTS model from your army. Choose an enemy INFANTRY or SWARM unit within 1″ of that model and roll a dice; on a 4+ the enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Skyreaper Protocols: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase before an ARMIGER HELVERIN from your army makes its attacks against an enemy unit that can FLY. Until the end of the phase, you can re-roll failed hit rolls for that Armiger Helverin’s Armiger autocannons against that enemy unit.

Roteate Ion Shields: 1/3 CP

Use this Stratagem when an enemy unit targets an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS VEHICLE unit from your army that has an invulnerable save (this Stratagem costs 3 CPs if the targeted unit is a DOMINUS CLASS unit, otherwise it costs 1 CP). Until the end of the phase, that vehicle unit’s invulnerable save is improved by 1 (to a maximum of 4+).

Heirlooms of the Household: 1/3 CP

Use this Stratagem before the battle. Choose one QUESTORIS CLASS or DOMINUS CLASS model from your army for 1 CP, or choose two such models for 3 CP. Each model you chose gains the CHARACTER keyword and can have one Heirloom of the Noble Houses. All of the Heirlooms of the Noble Houses that your army includes must be different and be given to different IMPERIAL KNIGHTS CHARACTERS. You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.

Exalted Court: 1/3 CP

Use this Stratagem before the battle, after you have chosen your Warlord. Choose one QUESTORIS CLASS or DOMINUS CLASS model from your army for 1 CP, or choose two such models for 3 CP. Each model you chose gains the CHARACTER keyword, and you can choose an Imperial Knights Warlord Trait for them (note that this model is only regarded as your Warlord for the purposes of this Warlord Trait). All of the Imperial Knights Warlord Traits in your army must be different (if randomly generated, re-roll duplicate results), and no model can have more than one. You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.

Pack Hunters: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem after a <HOUSEHOLD> ARMIGER WARGLAIVE from your army has charged. Until the end of the phase, you can re-roll failed charge rolls for friendly <HOUSEHOLD> ARMIGER WARGLAIVES whilst they are within 12″ of that model.

Oathbreaker Guidance System: 3 CP

Use this Stratagem before choosing a target for a shieldbreaker missile in your Shooting phase. That shieldbreaker missile can target a unit that is not visible to its bearer, and can target a CHARACTER even if it is not the closest enemy unit.

Full Tilt: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Charge phase. Choose an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS VEHICLE from your army that Advanced this turn. That model can declare a charge even though it Advanced this turn.

Ironhail Heavy Stubbers: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem before the battle. Choose one IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Detachment from your army. The AP characteristic of all heavy stubbers equipped on QUESTOR IMPERIALIS models in that Detachment is changed to -1.

Devastating Reach: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Charge phase. Choose a TITANIC IMPERIAL KNIGHTS model from your army that has not yet charged, then choose one enemy unit that is entirely on ruins or a Sector Mechanicus structure (and none of its models are on the ground floor) as the target of its charge. If your model can end its charge move within 2″ horizontally and 6″ vertically of that enemy unit, the charge is successful and you can make close combat attacks against it in the ensuing Fight phase (all hit rolls made using titanic feet automatically fail). If you cannot end your charge move within the above mentioned distances, the charge fails.

Chainsweep: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem immediately after fighting with an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS model from your army that is equipped with a reaper chainsword, Ravager or Honour’s Bite. Roll a D6 for each enemy model within 3″ of that model; on a 6 that enemy model’s unit suffers a mortal wound.

Death Grip: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem immediately after fighting with an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS model from your army that is equipped with a thunderstrike gauntlet, the Paragon Gauntlet or Freedom’s Hand. Resolve an additional attack with that weapon against an enemy unit within 1″ that consists of a single model. If the attack hits, the enemy model suffers D3 mortal wounds instead of the normal damage and is caught in a death grip: both players roll off and add their respective model’s Strength characteristic to their result. Continue to do this until either the enemy model breaks free or it is slain.

Bonded Oathsmeth: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem at the end of the enemy Charge phase. Choose a <HOUSEHOLD> QUESTORIS CLASS or DOMINUS CLASS unit from your army that has been charged this turn. All friendly <HOUSEHOLD> ARMIGER CLASS units that are within 6″ of that unit can immediately perform a Heroic Intervention as if they were CHARACTERS; each can move up to 6″ when doing so, and must end its move closer to the nearest enemy unit.

Valiant Last Stand: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem when a QUESTOR IMPERIALIS model from your army is reduced to 0 wounds but did not explode. Before removing it from the battlefield, that model can immediately either shoot as if it were your Shooting phase or fight as if it were your Fight phase. When resolving these attacks, assume the model has 1 wound remaining when determining which characteristics to use on its damage table.

Benevolence of the Machine God: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem when a QUESTOR MECHANICUS model from your army suffers a mortal wound. Roll a D6 for that mortal wound and each other mortal wound inflicted on that model for the rest of the phase: on a 5+ the mortal wound being rolled for is ignored.

Machine Spirit Resurgent: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem at the start of any turn. Pick a QUESTOR MECHANICUS unit from your army. Until the end of this turn, use the top row of the model’s damage table, regardless of how many wounds it has left. This ends immediately if the model is reduced to 0 wounds.

Cognis Heavy Stubbers: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem before the battle. Choose one IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Detachment in your army. All heavy stubbers equipped on QUESTOR MECHANICUS models in that Detachment gain the following ability: ‘You can fire this weapon even if the bearer Advanced this turn, but you must subtract 2 from the hit rolls if you do so. When firing Overwatch with this weapon, the attacks are resolved using the firing model’s Ballistic Skill. You can re-roll failed hit rolls for this weapon if the bearer Advanced this turn and has the Relentless Advance Household Tradition (pg 107), or if the bearer is firing Overwatch and has the Firestorm Protocols Household Tradition.

Sally Forth: 3 CP

Use this Stratagem during deployment. You can send one QUESTOR IMPERIALIS QUESTORIS CLASS or ARMIGER CLASS unit from your army to outflank the enemy instead of setting it up on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can join the battle – set it up so that it is within 6″ of any battlefield edge and more than 9″ away from any enemy models. You can only use this Stratagem once per battle.

If your army is Battle-forged and includes any IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Detachments, you have access to the Stratagems shown below, meaning you can spend Command Points to activate them. These help to reflect the unique tactics and strategies used by the Imperial Knights on the battlefield. Some of the Stratagems listed here are unique to specific knightly houses.

Slayers of Shadows: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase before choosing a HOUSE MORTAN unit from your army to shoot with. Until the end of the phase, that unit ignores all modifiers (positive and negative) when making its attacks.

Glory in Honour: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem after a HOUSE TERRYN unit from your army has fought in the Fight phase. That unit can fight an additional time this phase.

Order of Companions: 3 CP

Use this Stratagem at the start of your Shooting phase. Pick a HOUSE RAVEN model from your army. Until the end of the phase, re-roll all rolls of 1 for that model (this includes hit rolls, wound rolls, damage rolls and rolls made to determine the number of shots fired by weapons that make a random number of attacks).

Our Darkest Hour: 3 CP

Use this Stratagem when a HOUSE TARANIS model from your army is reduced to 0 wounds but did not explode. Roll a D6; on a 4+ set the model up again at the end of the phase, as close as possible to its previous position and more than 1″ from any enemies, with D3 wounds remaining.

Saturation Bombardment: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase before choosing a HOUSE VULKER model from your army to shoot with. Until the end of the phase, each unmodified hit roll of 6 made for that model’s shooting attacks scores 2 hits instead of 1.

Dragonslayer: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem before a HOUSE GRIFFITH model from your army makes its attacks in the Shooting or Fight phase. Until the end of the phase, add 1 to wound rolls made for that model’s attacks against units containing models with a Wounds characteristic of 10 or more.

Controlled Aggression: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase before choosing a HOUSE KRAST unit to fight with. Until the end of the phase, each unmodified hit roll of 6 made for that unit’s attacks scores 2 hits instead of 1, or 3 hits instead of 1 if the target is a CHAOS unit. A model cannot be affected by both the Controlled Aggression Stratagem and the Thunderstomp, Death Grip or Chainsweep Stratagems in the same turn.

Bio-Scryer Cogitator Array: 3 CP

Use this Stratagem immediately after your opponent sets up a unit that is arriving on the battlefield as reinforcements within 12″ of a HOUSE CADMUS model from your army. That model can immediately shoot at that enemy unit as if it were your Shooting phase.

Staunch Allies: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem immediately after an enemy unit declares a charge against an IMPERIUM unit from your army. Choose a friendly HOUSE HAWKSHROUD model that is more than 1″ from any enemy units and within 12″ of the unit that is the target of the charge. That model fires Overwatch at the charging unit as if it were itself targeted by the charge. Furthermore, if the resulting charge is successful, that model can perform a Heroic Intervention against the unit that charged at the end of the phase as if it were a CHARACTER; if it does so it can move up to 2D6″, but must end this move closer to the unit that charged and cannot move within 1″ of any other enemy unit.

If your army is Battle-forged and includes any IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Detachments, you have access to the Stratagems shown below, meaning you can spend Command Points to activate them. These help to reflect the unique tactics and strategies used by the Imperial Knights on the battlefield.

Close-Quarters Destruction: 1 CP 

Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a KNIGHT ERRANT model from your army is chosen to shoot with. Until the end of the phase, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon by that model against a unit that is within half the weapon’s maximum range, you can re-roll the wound roll.

Thin Their Ranks: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when an ARMIGER HELVERIN model from your army is chosen to shoot with. Until the end of the phase, armiger autocannons that model is equipped with make 6 attacks when targeting a unit that contains 6 or more models, rather than 2D3.

Hurled Wreckage: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem when an enemy VEHICLE or MONSTER model is destroyed as a result of an attack made with a thunderstrike gauntlet, Freedom’s Hand or the Paragon Gauntlet by an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS model from your army. When resolving that weapon’s ability as a result of that enemy model being destroyed, if an enemy VEHICLE or MONSTER unit is selected as the target of the weapon’s ability, that unit automatically suffers 3 mortal wounds – do not roll a dice.

Flanking Manoeuver: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, when an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS model from your army is chosen to Advance. Add 8″ to the model’s Move characteristic until the end of the phase instead of making an Advance roll. That model must end the move within 12″ of a battlefield edge, and cannot charge this turn.

Capacitor Charge: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a KNIGHT PRECEPTOR model from your army is chosen to shoot with. Until the end of the phase, change the Type characteristic of the high intensity profile of the las-impulsor that model is equipped with to Heavy 6.

Pack Tactics: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when an ARMIGER WARGLAIVE model from your army is chosen to fight with. Select one enemy unit within 1″ of that model. Until the end of the phase, increase the Attacks characteristic of that ARMIGER WARGLAIVE model, and all other friendly ARMIGER WARGLAIVE models within 1″ of that enemy unit, by 1 for each other friendly ARMIGER WARGLAIVE model within 1″ of that enemy unit (to a maximum of 2 additional attacks).

Trophy Claim: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem when an enemy TITANIC model is destroyed as a result of an attack made with a melee weapon by an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS model from your army. Until the end of the battle, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that IMPERIAL KNIGHTS model.

Electrothaumic Overload: 2 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, after inflicting any damage as a result of an attack made with a thundercoil harpoon by a KNIGHT VALIANT model from your army. Each enemy unit within 3″ of the target of that attack suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Repulsing Conflagration: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Charge phase, after a KNIGHT VALIANT model from your army has fired Overwatch. Until the end of the turn, subtract 2 from charge rolls made for units that target that model with a charge.

Belligerent Machine Spirit: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a KNIGHT WARDEN model from yUse this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a KNIGHT WARDEN model from your army is chosen to shoot with. Until the end of the phase, the range of that model’s avenger gatling cannon is changed to 8″ and when resolving an attack made with it, do not make a hit roll: it automatically scores a hit.our army is chosen to shoot with. Until the end of the phase, the range of that model’s avenger gatling cannon is changed to 8″ and when resolving an attack made with it, do not make a hit roll: it automatically scores a hit.

Siegbreaker Bombardment: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a KNIGHT CASTELLAN model from your army is chosen to shoot with. Until the end of the phase, so long as that model did not move in your previous Movement phase, add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with twin siegebreaker cannons by that model.

Linebreaker: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when a KNIGHT GALLANT model from your army is chosen to fight with. Until the end of the phase, when making pile-in and consolidation moves, that model can move up to 6″ instead of 3″.

Cover the Advance: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, after an enemy model has lost any wounds as the result of an attack made with a rapid-fire battle cannon, avenger gatling cannon or thermal cannon by a KNIGHT CRUSADER model from your army. Until the end of the turn, that enemy model’s unit cannot fire Overwatch.

Thunderstruck: 1 CP

Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a KNIGHT PALADIN model from your army is chosen to shoot with. Until the end of the phase, the Damage characteristic of that model’s rapid-fire battle cannon or Thunder of Voltoris is 3.

Imperial Knights Unique Items

As of 06-15-2018 Imperial Knights Unique Item groups are…

  • Heirlooms of the Noble Houses
  • Household Heirlooms 
  • Freeblade Qualities and Burdens

(See tabs for details)

If your army is led by an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Warlord, then before the battle you may give one of the following Heirlooms of the Noble Houses to an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS CHARACTER. Named characters such as Canis Rex already have one or more artefacts and cannot be given any of the following heirlooms. Note that some weapons replace one of the unit’s existing weapons. Where this is the case, if you are playing a matched play game or are otherwise using points values, you must still pay the cost of the weapon that is being replaced.


The bearer has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged and melee weapons.


Model with a reaper chainsword only. Ravager replaces the bearer’s reaper chainsword and has the following profile: Ravager Melee S+8 AP-4 D 6 Abilities: Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this weapon. If the bearer has the Cold Fury Household Tradition (pg 107), you can instead re-roll all failed hit rolls for this weapon.

The Paragon Gauntlet

Model with a thunderstrike gauntlet only. The Paragon Gauntlet replaces the bearer’s thunderstrike gauntlet and has the following profile: The Paragon Gauntlet Melee Sx2 AP-4 D8 Abilities: If a VEHICLE or MONSTER is slain by this weapon, pick an enemy unit within 9″ of the bearer and roll a D6. On a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Armour of the Sainted Ion

The wearer’s Knight has a Save characteristic of 2+.

Endless Fury

Model with an avenger gatling cannon only. Endless Fury replaces the bearer’s avenger gatling cannon and has the following profile: Endless Fury 36″ Heavy 14 S6 AP-2 D2 Abilities: Each unmodified hit roll of 6 made with this weapon scores 2 hits instead of 1. 


Model with a stormspear rocket pod only. Judgement replaces the bearer’s stormspear rocket pod and has the following profile: Judgement 60″ Heavy 3 S8 AP-3 D6 Abilities: You can re-roll failed hit rolls for this weapon.


Model with a twin Icarus autocannon only. Skyshield replaces the bearer’s twin Icarus autocannon and has the following profile: Skyshield 60″ Heavy 6 S7 AP-2 D2 Abilities: Add 1 to all hit rolls made for this weapon against targets that can FLY. Subtract 1 from the hit rolls for this weapon against all other targets.

Helm of the Nameless Warrior

QUESTOR IMPERIALIS model only. Add 1 to hit rolls made for the wearer’s attacks in the Fight phase.

Banner of Macharius Triumphant

QUESTOR IMPERIALIS QUESTORIS CLASS model only. Add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of friendly IMPERIUM units within 6″ of the bearer. In addition, if the bearer is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission), it controls that objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of the same objective marker. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal – in this case, however, the bearer counts as 10 models.

Traitor’s Pyre

QUESTOR IMPERIALIS model with a conflagration cannon only. Traitor’s Pyre replaces the bearer’s conflagration cannon and has the following profile: Traitor’s Pyre 18″ Heavy 3D6 S7 AP-2 D2 Abilities: This weapon automatically hits its target. You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon.

Mark of the Omnissiah

QUESTOR MECHANICUS model only. Roll a D6 at the start of your turn. On a 6 the bearer regains D3 lost wounds; on any other result it regains 1 lost wound. THE HELM DOMINATUS

The Helm Dominatus

QUESTORIS MECHANICUS <HOUSEHOLD> QUESTORIS CLASS or DOMINUS CLASS model only. Once per battle round, at the start of either your Shooting phase or Fight phase, you can choose a unit from your opponent’s army that is within 24″ of the bearer. Until the end of the phase, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by <HOUSEHOLD> ARMIGER CLASS models against that enemy unit whilst they are within 6″ of the bearer.

Cawl’s Wrath

QUESTOR MECHANICUS model with a plasma decimator only. Cawl’s Wrath replaces the bearer’s plasma decimator and has the following profile: Cawl’s Wrath (standard) 48″ Heavy 2D6 D8 AP-4 D2 Cawl’s Wrath (supercharge) 48″ Heavy 2D6 D9 AP-4 D3 Abilities: When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles above. When firing the supercharge profile, for each hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after all of this weapon’s shots have been resolved.

If your army is led by an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS Warlord, then before the battle you may give one of the following Heirlooms of the Noble Houses to an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS CHARACTER. Named characters such as Canis Rex already have one or more artefacts and cannot be given any of the following heirlooms. Note that some weapons replace one of the unit’s existing weapons. Where this is the case, if you are playing a matched play game or are otherwise using points values, you must still pay the cost of the weapon that is being replaced.

Thunder of Voltorus

HOUSE TERRYN model with rapid-fire battle cannon only. The Thunder of Voltoris replaces the bearer’s rapid-fire battle cannon and has the following profile:

Mark of the Lance

HOUSE GRIFFITH model only. Each time the bearer completes a charge move, choose an enemy unit within 1″ of it and roll a D6. On a 2+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; on a 6 it suffers 3 mortal wounds instead.

Angel’s Grace

HOUSE HAWKSHROUD model only. Roll a D6 each time the bearer suffers a mortal wound in your opponent’s psychic phase; on a 4+ the wound being rolled for is not lost.

The Hunter’s Eye

HOUSE CADMUS model only. Enemy units do not receive the bonus to their saving throws for cover against the bearer’s ranged attacks.

Honour’s Bite

HOUSE MORTAN model with a reaper chainsword only. Honour’s Bite replaces the bearer’s reaper chainsword and has the following profile: Honour’s Bite Melee S+6 AP-4 D6 Abilities: Each wound roll of 6 made for this weapon inflicts D3 mortal wounds on the target in addition to the normal damage.

The Banner Inviolate

HOUSE RAVEN QUESTORIS CLASS model only. Re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the Fight phase for HOUSE RAVEN models whilst they are within 6″ of the bearer.

Fury of Mars

HOUSE TARANIS model with a thermal cannon only. Fury of Mars replaces the bearer’s thermal cannon and has the following profile: Fury of Mars 48″ Heavy D6 S9 AP-4 D6 Abilities: Roll two dice when inflicting damage with this weapon and discard the lowest result.

The Headsman’s Mark

HOUSE KRAST model only. Increase the Damage characteristic of the bearer’s weapons by 1 for attacks made against enemy units containing models with a Wounds characteristic of 10 or more. Increase the Damage characteristic by 2 instead for attacks made against TITANIC units.

House Vulker

HOUSE VULKER model only. The opposing player must roll an extra D6 when taking a Morale test for a unit within 12″ of the bearer and use the highest result.

If your army is Battle-forged, then before the battle you can give one FREEBLADE model in each Detachment Qualities and Burdens. To do so, first choose a single Quality. If your Battle-forged army includes Canis Rex, both CANIS REX and SIR HEKHTUR have the Legendary Hero and Last of their Line Qualities. After determining the model’s Qualities, you must then choose two different Burdens. If your Battle-forged army includes Canis Rex, both CANIS REX and SIR HEKHTUR have the Obsessed with Vengeance Burden. If a Freeblade from your army has any Burdens, roll 2D6 for them at the start of each of your turns, subtracting 1 from the result if the Freeblade has the Exiled in Shame Burden. If the result is less than that Freeblade’s Leadership characteristic, their Burdens do not apply that turn. If the result equals or exceeds their Leadership characteristic, then their Burdens apply until the start of your next turn.


Last of Their Line: Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for the Freeblade’s attacks against units containing 10 or more models.

Sworn to a Quest: Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this Freeblade when it targets the enemy Warlord. If this Freeblade is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission) it controls that objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of the same objective marker. If an enemy unit within range of the same objective marker has a similar ability, then the objective marker is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of it as normal.

Mysterious Guardian: This Freeblade can perform Heroic Interventions as if it were a CHARACTER; it can do so if any enemy units are within 6″ of it at the end of the enemy’s charge phase, and can move up to 6″ when doing so.

Peerless Warrior: When this Quality is chosen or generated, roll a D6: on a 1-3 add 2″ to this Freeblade’s Move characteristic: on a 4-5 improve its Weapon Skill characteristic by 1 (e.g. WS3+ becomes WS2+); on a 6 improve its Ballistic Skill characteristic by 1 (e.g. BS3+ becomes BS2+).

Indomitable: Add 1 to this Freeblade’s Wounds and Leadership characteristics.

Legendary Hero: Once per battle round, you can re-roll a single hit roll, wound roll, damage roll, charge roll or saving throw for this Freeblade.


Exiled in Shame: Whilst this Burden applies, the Freeblade cannot be affected by any Stratagems (this includes using the Command Re-roll Stratagem to re-roll a dice for this Freeblade).

Weary Machine Spirit: Whilst this Burden applies, halve the number of wounds the Freeblade has remaining for the purposes of determining what characteristics to use on their damage table.

Haunted by Failure: Whilst this Burden applies, re-roll hit rolls of 6 for the Freeblade.

Obsessed with Vengeance: Whilst this Burden applies, the Freeblade can only target the nearest enemy unit that is visible to it in the Shooting phase, and it can only declare a charge against the nearest enemy unit in the Charge phase.

Driven to Slaughter: Whilst this Burden applies, the Freeblade cannot Fall Back and its Ballistic Skill characteristic is changed to 6+.

Impetuous Nature: Whilst this Burden applies, every move that the Freeblade makes must take it closer to the nearest enemy model, and – unless it is already within 1″ of an enemy unit – it must declare a charge against every enemy unit within 12″ of it in your Charge phase.

Imperial Knights Warlord Traits


As of 06-09-2020 Imperial Knights Warlord Traits are…

  • Universal Warlord Traits
  • Adeptus Mechanicus Warlord Traits
  • Forge World Warlord Traits
  • Holy Order Warlord Traits

(See tabs for details)

If your Warlord is a Character, it can use a Warlord trait. Choose your Warlord Trait immediately before either player stats to deploy their army

Legendary Fighter: 

If this Warlord charges in the Charge phase, add 1 to their Attack’s characteristic until the end of the ensuing Fight phase.

Inspiring Leader: 

Friendly units within 6″ of this Warlord can add 1 to their Leadership characteristic.

Tenacious Survivor:

Roll a dice each time this Warlord loses a wound. On a 6, does not lose the wound.

If an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS CHARACTER is your Warlord, you can generate a Warlord Trait for them from the table below. Note that Imperial Knights Warlords cannot take Warlord Traits from the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. You can select the one that best suits their style of waging war. If Canis Rex has a Warlord Trait, both CANIS REX and SIR HEKHTUR will have Fearsome Reputation.

Cunning Commander

Once per battle, you can re-roll one hit roll, wound roll, damage roll or saving throw made for your Warlord. In addition, if your army is Battle-forged, you gain an additional Command Point.

Ion Bulwark

Your Warlord has a 4+ invulnerable save against ranged weapons.

Knight Senschal

Add 1 to your Warlord’s Attacks characteristic.


Add 2 to all Advance and charge rolls made for friendly <HOUSEHOLD> units within 6″ of your Warlord.

Blessed by the Sacristans

Choose one weapon (not an Heirloom of the Noble Houses) that your Warlord is equipped with. Each time you make an unmodified wound roll of 6 for that weapon, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to the normal damage.

Fearsome Reputation

Enemy units must subtract 1 from their Leadership characteristic whilst they are within 12″ of your Warlord. Whilst they are within 6″ of your Warlord, subtract 2 from their Leadership instead.

If you wish, you can pick a Household Warlord Trait from the list below instead of the Imperial Knight Warlord Traits opposite, but only if your Warlord is from the relevant household.

Terryn: Champion of the Household

You can re-roll failed charge rolls for your Warlord.

Griffith: Master of the Joust

Immediately after your Warlord completes a charge move, choose one enemy unit within 1″ and roll a D6: on a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Hawkshroud: Duty of the Forsworn

At the start of the first battle round, but before the first turn begins, select one unit in your opponent’s army. Add 1 to hit rolls made for your Warlord against that unit.

Cadmus: Veteran of Gryphonne IV

Reduce all damage suffered by your Warlord in the Fight phase by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

Mortan: Legacy of the Black Pall

Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target your Warlord at a range of more than 18″.

Raven: Masters of the Trial

Add 1 to saving throws made for your Warlord against attacks that have an AP characteristic of -1 (this does not affect invulnerable saving throws).

Tarants: Knights of Mars

Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for your Warlord in the Shooting phase, the AP characteristic of that attack is improved by 1 (e.g. AP0 becomes AP-1).

Krast: First Knight

Re-roll hit rolls of 1 for your Warlord.

Vulker: Adamantium Knight

Wound rolls of 1, 2 or 3 made for attacks against your Warlord always fail, even if the attack has a Strength characteristic higher than your Warlord’s Toughness characteristic.

If an IMPERIAL KNIGHTS CHARACTER model is your Warlord, you can use a Questor Allegiance Warlord Traits tables to determine what Warlord Trait they have instead of those presented in other publications. You can only use the Warlord Traits table that is relative to the model’s <QUESTOR ALLEGIANCE>. You can select one.

Questor Mechanicus Warlord Traits

Paragon of the Omnissiah: Add 2 to this Warlord’s Wounds characteristic.

Cold Eradication: When determining the number of attacks this Warlord makes with a weapon that has a random number of attacks (e.g. Heavy D6), roll one additional dice and discard one of the dice.

Calculated Targeting: When resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon by this Warlord (excluding Overwatch), an unmodified hit roll of 4+ is always successful.

Questor Imperialis Warlord Traits

Revered Knight: This Warlord always fights first in the Fight phase, even if it did not charge. If the enemy has units that have charged or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.

Strike and Shield: When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon against this Warlord, subtract 1 from the hit roll. Whilst an enemy unit is within 1″ of this Warlord, subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic of each VEHICLE or MONSTER model in that unit.

Tireless Duty: This Warlord can perform a Heroic Intervention if there are any enemy units within 6″ of it instead of 3″, and when doing so can move up to 6″ instead of 3″.

Imperial Knights Resources


Winning Imperial Knights Lists of 8th edition

2017 Imperial Knights Lists

  1. Brandon Sullivan 3rd Overall Warzone Houston 2017
  2. Mike Keys 1st Overall Slobberknocker 2017

2018 Imperial Knights Lists

  1. Dan Sammons 3rd Overall Show-Me Showdown 2018
  2. John Weyermuller 2nd Overall BAO 2018
  3. Gordon Wilson 3rd Overall Caledonian Revolution 2018
  4. Garry Sacco 2nd Overall TSHFT 40K Championship 2018
  5. Lee Durkin 2nd Overall The North West Open 2018
  6. Steven Schuyler 2nd Overall MAGS Championship 2018
  7. Matt Evans 1st Overall The Frontrange GT 2018
  8. Johan Nicolaisen 3rd Overall Westeros ITC VIII 2018
  9. Matthew Goodwin 1st Overall Battle Zone Ursa 2018
  10. Andrew Ford 2nd Overall Warzone Come The Apocalypse GT 2018
  11. Andrew Lewis 1st Overall Seeds of Destruction 3 2018
  12. Rory Andrew 3rd Overall Seeds of Destruction 3 2018
  13. Andrew Ford 3rd Overall The Barnyard Brawl 2018
  14. Jonas Parssinen 3rd Overall Malmo Wargaming Weekend 2018
  15. Zach Nelson 2nd Overall Harvester of Souls 2018
  16. Mike Whitley 2nd Overall 3rd Confrontation 2018
  17. Evan Stump 1st Overall Power 9 Games Warhammer 40k GT 2018
  18. Andy Oakham 2nd Overall Allies of Convenience Wales GT 2018
  19. Liam Royle 3rd Overall Allies of Convenience Wales GT 2018

2019 Imperial Knights Lists

  1. Stephen Fore 3rd Overall Hammer In The New Year 2019
  2. Jeremy Kuffner 3rd Overall Wheat City Open 2019
  3. Daniel Hesters 2nd Overall Nashville Bar Brawl 2019
  4. Markus Hinson 2nd Overall War of the Roses 2019
  5. Ryan Beaver 3rd Overall CAGBASH XII Part 2 Of MAGS Series 2019
  6. Malik Amin Rubio 1st Overall The Bad Moon GT Series 2019
  7. Malik Amin Rubio 1st Overall The LWG Open Winter Warfare 2019
  8. Andrew Jennings 3rd Overall The Cutthroat GT 2019
  9. Tim Royers 1st Overall Huscarl 40k GT
  10. Scott Thompson GT 3rd Overall Huscarl 40k GT
  11. Jeremy Nicholson 3rd Overall Briscon 2019
  12. Andrew Ford 2nd Overall Battle for the Peak 2019
  13. Daniel Hesters 2nd Overall Warzone – Atomic Empire 2019
  14. Marcus Hinson 2nd Overall Caledonian Mayhem 2019
  15. Nicolas Weiss 3rd Overall Spring Conflagration 2019
  16. Andrew Ford 3rd Overall Alamo GT 2019
  17. Nathan Whitbread 3rd Overall Imps Emperor GT 2019
  18. Ashley Pitman 1st Overall Maelstrom XII 2019
  19. Dan Sammons 2nd Overall Bugeater GT 2019 Imperial Knights
  20. Scott Pockatt 3rd Overall Windy City GT 2019 Imperial Knights
  21. Ben Cromwell 3rd Overall Boise Cup 2019 Imperial Knights
  22. Viet Nguyen 3rd Overall Desert Rat GT 2019 Imperial Knights
  23. Matt Robertson 3rd Overall Allies of Convenience 2019 – Imperial Knights
  24. Matt Robertson 3rd Overall Caledonian Revolution 2019 – Imperial Knights
  25. Finn Decker 1st Overall Monkeycan 2019 – Imperial Knights
  26. Jay Middlecote 1st Overall Bristol City Open 2019 – Imperial Knights
  27. Sam Hogg 3rd Overall Bristol City Open 2019 – Imperial Knights
  28. Matt Reid 2nd Overall Summer Hull GT 2019 – Imperial Knights
  29. Andrew Gonyo 1st Overall BWG Summer Slaughter 2019 – Imperial Knights
  30. Alex Petford 2nd Overall London Open Part 2 2019 – Imperial Knights
  31. Christopher Wright 3rd Overall Castle Assault 40k 2019 – Imperial Knights
  32. Jonatan Holm 1st Overall MFF Summer Slam 2019 – Imperial Knights
  33. Matt Reid 2nd Overall Bad Moon GT Part 3 2019 – Imperial Knights
  34. Jay Middlecote 1st Overall The Hellstorm 3 2019 – Imperial Knights
  35. Jonathan Michener 1st Overall Sword and Brush GT 2019 – Imperial Knights
  36. Andrew Bourbon 2nd Overall Twisted Onslaught 2019 – Imperial Knights
  37. Dave Murray 2nd Overall Voidhammer 2019 – Imperial Knights
  38. Chris Irvine 3rd Overall Voidhammer 2019 – Imperial Knights
  39. James Brown 3rd Overall Iron Monkey 2019 – Imperial Knights
  40. Markus Hinson 1st Overall Deceitful Enemies 2019 – Imperial Knights
  41. Mikael Christensson 1st Overall Alliance Open 2019 – Imperial Knights
  42. Tyler DeVries 3rd Overall Two Rivers Open GT 2020 – Imperial Knights
  43. Alex Brown 1st Overall Maryland Open 2020 – Imperial Knights